In the animal kingdom, females are rarely faithful to their mates, so there is probably sperm from a number of males inside a female reproductive tract.
How can I buy a plane ticket to that Animal Kingdom you all’re talking about.
In the animal kingdom, females are rarely faithful to their mates, so there is probably sperm from a number of males inside a female reproductive tract.
How can I buy a plane ticket to that Animal Kingdom you all’re talking about.
You can fund it. A huge funding to change even the journals.
They aren’t purposefully ignoring it.
It’s just that it’s not newsworthy for academics, either because it’s not surprising or there’s no funding for such studies.
Company asks me if I use Oracle Java. The problem is, how would I know I’m 100% clean?
If every library dev start doing this we need a horrible amount of extra work to make sure the system is clean…
Gone are my student days where I downloaded whichever cool vim plugins
You can’t trust extensions these days.
It has been difficult to prove.
Oh, I agree with you there, but the topic was about something different.
Basically the same as fake news. Check web articles and so on. (Reading source code is often infeasible.)
You can also check Linux package managers. Official repositories from, eg, Red Hat and Suse are well maintained by the companies. I’d trust also the official Arch repo. I guess Debian is trustworthy, too, but don’t know the process there.
Regarding OpenReplay, you could also check the companies listed as using OpenRepay. (I couldn’t find any official source from those companies that mentioned OpenReplay, but that’s rather expected given that they don’t have to open their software stack.)
The governments are abusing researchers. How do institutions even help them?
Why not compile it to sh though.
I mean, you can always just download the script, investigate it yourself, and run it locally. I’d even argue it’s actually better than most installers.
For C it makes sense. The point of C is that it can work as a low level language. Basically, everything doable with assembly SHOULD be doable with C, and that’s why we don’t need another low level language that’s basically C with goto.
Even though almost all of C users should never use goto.
Yeah, and still… the example code in github is also bad. The arithmetic is so tiny that the performance of the execution can be worse than the serial execution. It makes the impression that the language parallelizes everything possible, in which case the execution would possibly get stuck at some parallel parts that’s not worth parallelizing.
There’s a huge chunk of technical information missing for an expert to imagine what’s going on. And too many comments here still praise the language. They don’t mention anything concrete in those texts. This makes me REALLY skeptical of this post.
Edit: there are many posts that make up BS for job interviews. I sure hope this is not one of those.
Sorry, how could it be correct? On that page there’s no explanation on what they’re measuring to begin with. No mention on the benchmark set up either. There are problems that can never scale linearly due to the reality of hardware.
Is this a PR? The link is PR with no substance, praises itself without any details on benchmarking setup, and still I see some comments here being positive.
Yet, it runs on massively parallel hardware like GPUs, with near-linear speedup
What a bold claim…
NixOS is a reproducible OS. I wouldn’t call it immutable.
While many of the issues with Debian can be resolved by compiling from source, this has been one of the main causes of system failure for me in the past. It also requires equal or greater effort than playing with Nixfiles.
I guess you are doing something wrong here. I can’t imagine that compiling stuff on Debian would be trickier than tinkering with NixOS.
Maybe you have been following advices on the web instead of taking the time to understand problems and keep your Debian tidy?
Besides, between an expert niche like NixOS and the popular Ubuntu, there are more than a dozen OSes you can consider when it comes to preferences on maintenance. You don’t have to consider so many, but a blog article on your particular three / four (NixOS, Debian Ubuntu + Mint) looks a bit off.
After I left I noticed how much of my Reddit feed was and is garbage. Most are meaningless memes. That’s after removing meme subs.