Mentally ill woman in her late 30s. Quit my jobs with DIDDs to go to work a retail job and go to school.

I’m here to help!


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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • I have a disease that is autosomal dominant (and absolutely sucks.) That means only one gene (the one I got from Dad) was needed to give me the disease.

    Now I have 2 of these genes. Everybody does. You get one from your mother and one from your father. So I got the bad one from Dad, and a good one from my mother.

    It’s a super rare disease! If I nail somebody at random in the population, they have 2 good genes they can contribute. My one bad one and one good one flip a coin; our kids could have a bad one from me (and die young) or a good one from me (and be fine!)

    But if I nail a brother who had the bad gene, there’s a coin flip for both of us. Even if I give a good gene, he might give a bad one! Way more likely the bad thing happens.

    (So, so grateful none of my brothers have it so I don’t have to get all squicked imagining that but it makes my point.)

    Not all bad things are as easy to see as my disease. Lots of them “hide” until you get two bad things. But it’s more likely two siblings have similar hidden bad things, which makes it more likely the bad things will show up in their child.

  • Whenever I administer medication I tell the patient what they’re taking as I hand it to them, and say, “Can you take this for me please?” I hold my hand out ready to take the empty pill cup from them so I can throw it away. There’s no room for interpretation of anything other than “take this now.”