Interests: News, Finance, Computer, Science, Tech, and Living

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • People use Python a lot as a Matlab, Excel/VBA, or R alternative. That was my use for many years. Some of these are compute focused problems and if the dataset is large enough and the computations complex enough then speed can be an issue.

    As far as loading packages and printing. Who cares. These are not computationally intensive and are typically IO bound.

  • Same for me. I have used Python for most things since the late 1990s. Love Python. Have always hated the poor performance… but in my case mostly it was good enough. When it was not good enough, I wrote C code.

    Python is good for problems where time to code is the limiting factor. It sucks for compute bound problems where time to execute is the limiting factor. Most problems in my world are time to code limited but some are not.

    Python compute performance has always sucked.

  • Reason you do not need Typescript for Python is that it is a real language. JavaScript was a crap extension language that people have been trying to get around forever with preprocessors…

    As far as needing types… One of the big advantages of Python is not needing types. I have used Python for 25 years and never used types or missed them.

    What I do occasionally miss is speed. That is a combination of lack of typing and crap implementations and there are various ways around it.

  • I am not sure I agree with their interpretation of the numbers. Inflation is not back to 2% and is unlikely to return there. Interest rates are high on loans. Stock market is not that up… just more recovering and the next 10 year return estimates are more like 6% not like the 10 or 12% people saw in the prior decade. Gas I do not use so I do not care. Geopolitics is concerning. Climate change is concerning. Internal politics is concerning. Both news and politics truth does not seem to matter… sensationalism seems more important then constructivism.

    Hard to find positives. Maybe macro employment numbers are good. Not sure about working conditions or if incomes have matched inflation. Probably not universally. We may have avoided a recession I guess that may be positive. Money Market, CD, and Bond interest rates are up which is nice for some.

  • They are absolutely part of the problem. Expecting crazy compensation, not knowing the cost of their treatments and being transparent and cost effective, managing medical school requirements and enrollment to create a shortage rather then surplus of practitioners, creating crazy cost schedules, building crazy expensive facilities. Medical people manage much of this system and are directly involved in a lot of this. Are they the only ones… no. But they are not without blame.

  • There is also who wins and who losses and who has access and who does not and why. Not easy questions and not easy for people to hear even if it is sane. Add to that access is often just because and has nothing to do with fairness.

    Add to that the medical community has basically burnt any good will they had from the public by crazy pricing and poor access combined with mediocre results. Not saying every medical partipant caused that but they all get lumped together.

  • I totally do not get why people have to try to prove to themselves that masks do not work. More than likely they do especially if you have a new good well fitting mask changed frequently and you use and change it properly. There is also the question who it helps more, you or the people around you.

    A huge problem during the pandemic was mask availability, and people using them properly even if they had a supply to do that which mostly no one did. So result of mask use is a good question but it may say nothing about how well masks used properly work.

  • Yes. I had a recalled CPAP machine. I had to pay around $1000 to buy another suppliers machine. In the end they said they would give me $40 to sign a release which of course is no thank you. I feel like they owe me half the cost of the new machine. What a ripoff. The way they get around that is just to say the machine has 0 value after 5 years which is not really true.

    The whole process was horrible too. Got a notification which basically says you should not use it any more and talk to your doctor. They basically said you should continue to use it. Total double speak. Then at the same time the company says they are working on a plan. Then after streaching it out a year they say it is over 5 years old and your out of luck.

    Thankfully I just purchased a new one immediately and skipped the drama.

  • I know all this. The global south is just pretty inaccurate name for the developing countries aka the third world. It is not at all clear that China should be included. It is also a collection of some pretty much despotic countries though that varies widely. There are also some very questionable trade policies too including cartels, trafficking of all sorts, bribery, corruption, often high population growth, you name it.