• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Not defending Biden because he deserves all the shit he needs to get for his stance on this issue, but this is Times of Israel afterall. Almost all Israeli news outfits have a habit of posturing as if all of America’s political leadership is behind them no questions asked, while the truth isn’t so cut and dry.

    Bernie for example has been quoted by Haaretz and TOI where he is calling for Israel’s right to “defend itself”, while Bernie’s stance on Israeli support is more nuanced and comes with a bunch of strings and caveats. He’s all called out Netyanhu’s government as a terrorist/extremist regime.

    Israeli media is absolute dogshit for neutrality and is straight up propaganda. Best stay away from it and take it with a grain of salt.

  • Lol oh jesus. I’m not going to bother entertaining you any further because:

    1. You’re the one that’s made up their mind about painting me as somebody that isn’t aware how war crimes investigations work even though you’ve repeatedly failed to prove whatever you’re trying to prove.

    2. You’ve also failed to address criticism I’ve made about your position by answers such as “that’s just not how it works” or “It will happen when it happens” while failing to provide any evidence backing those claims.

    3. You’re deflecting and jumping point to point just to prove you’re correct.

    4. Lastly, you’re talking out of your ass when you clearly have no have idea how any of this will pan out.


  • Setting up an investigation over something does not mean it will happen, especially when the area is under siege and the risk of evidence disappearing increases with each bomb dropped. I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at here? Is it the just that they’ve set up an initiative to investigate all war crimes? Cool, again, for the third time, when is that going to happen?

    We’re going in circles because you aren’t acknowledging the deplorable conditions, lack of access and the eventual removal/destruction of evidence that could have helped shed light and convict both sides. But, for some reason, you’re trying to convince of something that is either irrelevant or useless.

    I’m not upset, but I’m poking at the lip service and inaction of holding people accountable, which typically becomes the case when the West’s interests are at stake.

  • Right…. “massive bias” especially when they have reporters on the ground, risking their lives and other “news” agency have been drinking their updates from the IDF/Israeli firehose.

    Al Jazeera also had its reporter shot by Israel (big surprise) last year for covering the Al Aqsa raids. They have also covered reporters from other news agencies getting shot by Israel in this genocide… err “war”. They are calling out Israel’s actions for what they are and this whole “massive bias because Qatari” is just straight up bullshit.

    Yes, they are run by Qatar, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t won accolades in top tier neutral reporting. I’m defending them because we need that style of reporting more and less of what the likes of WSJ have become.

  • Read my comment again. I’m not making excuses and Saddam didn’t need to exist beyond the moment in time the first time he took a human life.

    The point which you missed was that we have the ability to take out tyrants without having to cause 30k civilian casualties and decimate towns/cities. We didn’t do that, we went blood thirsty and inflicted so much damage on a sovereign nation and its citizens that it created a generation of Iraqis and people in the broader region that hates the US.

    We took out OBL and have toppled numerous regimes without using excessive force.

    This whole notion of us taking out Saddam because of us being some benevolent nation for good is complete bullshit. We went in there for oil and because Saddam didn’t let us have it, so we made it a point to take him out by any means necessary, using the WMDs cover-up.

    The US has a history of getting cozy with dictators and letting them kill and pillage their own people as long as it serves our interest.

    The Iraq “war” was a massive fuck up and mistake. Nobody should be decorated for it.