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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • The Walking Dead TV series- Great show, but it was legit giving me nightmares, and I couldn’t handle the storyline once they killed Glenn off. I’m reading the comics now years later and it’s much more enjoyable

    The Handmaid’s Tale TV series-- I think I got like 4 episodes in, and then they hung that one woman’s wife in front of her and sewed her vagina shut and I just couldn’t handle the graphics. I did read the book later on, though. My own imagination is just so tame compared to what they show on TV, I think

    Revenge of the Sith - I was deployed to Iraq when I saw it, and was in a really bad headspace, and that scene where Anakin gets burned up and then you see them putting the Vader mask on him just really fucked me up at the time. Absolutely will never watch that one again.

  • My dad used to watch horror movies when he was supposed to be watching me, then fall asleep the couch with the movies still going. I don’t watch horror movies at all as an adult, I can’t handle them, but here’s a list of the ones I can remember that I got exposed to while dad was sleeping:


    Cat’s Eye

    The Thing

    Any old Twighlight Zone episode

    The Lost Boys


    Whatever show that was with Elvira

    There was some show with a talking skeleton at the beginning all the time, I forget what it’s called

    Needless to say, ANY horror movie scares me, and i avoid them all, even the “funny” ones