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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • So, I asked Chat GPT to write a quick PowerShell script to find the number of months between two dates. The first answer it gave me took the number of days between them and divided by 30. I told it, it needs to be more accurate than that, so it wrote a while loop to add 1 months to the first date until it was larger than the 2 second date. Not only is that obviously the most inefficient way to do it, but it had no checks to ensure the one in the loop was actually smaller so you could just end up with zero. The results I got from co-pilot were not much better.

    From my experience, unless there is existing code to do exactly what you want, these AI are not to the level of an experienced dev. Not by a long shot. As they improve, they’ll obviously get better, but like with anything you have to keep up and adapt in this industry or you’ll get left behind.

  • I feel you on hating the holidays. I get so little time off of work that I just want to relax, but the expectations of the holidays make it near impossible. I have 4 siblings and they all have 2-3 kids and them and my mom always try to plan something for Christmas. The problem is we all live at least 4 hours away from each other. It is a logistical nightmare. This year I finally put my foot down and told my family I’m not doing that this year. I also told them not to get anything for my kids because honestly getting presents for 11 nieces and nephews is getting ridiculous. I even told my mom not to come visit because I just can’t deal with her histrionic personality disorder right now. Of course, I couldn’t put it that way, but to my surprise she actually listened for once.

    I do still have to deal with my wife’s family coming over, because apparently me saying I don’t want to do anything for Christmas means I’m find with doing Christmas stuff on December 23rd. However, beside my wife stressing about making our house completely spotless, her family coming over isn’t that bad. They will come over for like half a day and go home, and there is never any drama.

    Stay strong, the 26th is only a few days away.

  • This sounds like my level of luck. I only get a couple of hours a week at most to do what I want and nine times out of ten it gets interrupted by something breaking. I actually ran into a very similar issue last weekend when I repurposed an old build to monitor some cameras I installed. I had just reinstalled the OS, installed Shinobi and was getting everything configured when it crashed and would not boot back up. When trying to boot I saw the mem light turn on. Luckily in my case, it was resolved after I reseated each stick. But it was still a huge pain in the ass because the CPU heat sink blocks some of the DIM slots. Hopefully, it is not anything major and you can get back up and running.