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sips coffee aggressively
balls: USA, Geolibertarianism, Virginia, Bisexuality, Atheistic Satanism

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You’re misreading me and moving the goalposts. There is a media trend which can be (very poorly) described as “woke and political.” One of the reasons why people who are bothered by this trend should refrain from using this code/shorthand is that it allows other people to project hate onto it, which is, in my view, equally shitty. Outlets like Fox deliberately court this behavior because it drives engagement. You shared their viral content for them. I wonder if you even viewed one of their ads on the way.

  • You’re completely missing the more useful point. The right says “woke and political,” implicitly referencing the complex change I described above. The left quotes the right saying “woke and political” as an implicit dismissal of civil rights, diversity, representation, etc. Both of these lazy-ass anachronisms suck big huge elephant dicks and ruin the political discourse in the media.

  • I’m not defending the straw man in this screenshot of a tweet, but this is a bad comparison. Roddenberry created a world in which the ideas of equality, freedom, diplomacy, and justice could be explored organically. He shifted the underlying economic motivations for the existence of political systems. He fought constantly with the studio system and his own writers to bring about a revolutionary vision of the future.

    Since Roddenberry’s death, Star Trek: The Franchise has been slowly oscillating downwards: away from a universe whose observation reveals the objective value of virtue into one in which virtue is paid lip service at the cost of strong “physics” – that is, the sense of a coherent universe. Star Trek is now a product researched, marketed, designed, produced, tested, distributed, and defended by committee. Where once we had revolutionary subversions of what was allowed on television, we now find performative affirmations of popular lifestyle. If you have to compare yourself to 90’s broadcast television in order to feel revolutionary, you’re not.

    The use of “woke” and “political” in this hypercontextualist style is so vague as to border on non-expression. Reacting to a reaction to a reaction to a reaction to a form of expression in which my reply wouldn’t be allowed due to a character limit is not critical thinking. We can do better than this. Roddenberry already did.