• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 20th, 2023


  • OK…

    • Infrastructure Law ($1BILLION for roads, rail and clean water, earmarks for public transit)
    • Inflation Reduction Act - reducing health insurance consumer costs, 10+ prescription dugs prices reduced
    • Ended the war in Afghanistan
    • Aid to Ukraine regardless of a broken congress
    • Communication Act
    • First ever Corporate Min tax
    • CHIPS Act
    • Hundreds of judge appointments
    • Lead a campaign to cap insulin at $35
    • More jobs created at this point in his presidency than any president in the last 40 years
    • First President to join workers on a picket line
    • Forgave $130+ billion in student loans
    • Record stock market.
    • Brokered MULTIPLE cease fires in The Middle East as well as between Hamas and Israel even with Hamas breaking the cease fires multiple times and also without Hamas releasing hostages as stipulated
    • Postal Service Reform Act
    • Provided over $369M to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40%/7years
    • Safer Communities Act (red flag laws against gun ownership I.e. domestic abusers)
    • Executive order against police using excessive force , emphasis on body cameras
    • Unemployment and inflation around 3% the best in the industrialized world
    • Added 13.2+ million job, a record and replacing and exceeding what was lost in COVID
    • Expanded NATO, adding countries who previously had no interest in joining, some along the Russian border have applied

  • How in the actual fuck is this douche blaming Biden when the GOP have fought tooth and nail against ANY kind of positive change in this country under a DEM president??

    The fact he’s managed the reforms and infrastructure and economic rebound that he has when the Supreme Court, every state GOP state attorney, and the GOP-led House have been walking anything he does accomplish back as fast as they can is practically a miracle, frankly. I mean, look at what he has accomplished despite the odds.

    • Infrastructure Law ($1BILLION for roads, rail and clean water, earmarks for public transit)
    • Inflation Reduction Act - reducing health insurance consumer costs, 10+ prescription dugs prices reduced
    • Aid to Ukraine regardless of a broken congress
    • Communication Act
    • First ever Corporate Min tax
    • CHIPS Act
    • Hundreds of judge appointments
    • Lead a campaign to cap insulin at $35
    • More jobs created at this point in his presidency than any president in the last 40 years
    • First President to join workers on a picket line
    • Forgave $130+ billion in student loans
    • Record stock market.
    • Postal Service Reform Act
    • Provided over $369M to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40%/7years
    • Safer Communities Act (red flag laws against gun ownership I.e. domestic abusers)
    • Executive order against police using excessive force , emphasis on body cameras
    • Unemployment and inflation around 3% the best in the industrialized world
    • Added 13.2+ million job, a record and replacing and exceeding what was lost in COVID
    • Expanded NATO, adding countries who previously had no interest in joining, some along the Russian border have applied

    * List copy-pasted from @Flexghost@mastodon.social, btw.

  • You should just be able to go into Focus Status and disable it. That will stop the Mac from being able to trigger Focus no matter what. If you really want to neuter it completely, you can delete any Focus modes you see there too.

    As for Do Not Disturb, it is usually mirrored from other devices too, so maybe you turned on DND on your phone or triggered a focus mode from there or something?

  • Yeah, but it’s practically pointless to bring it up IMHO, because if we’re comparing elephants, the “elephant” of Biden’s age (and I’m very much not convinced it’s not 90% media clickbait having seen his’s recent ProPublica interview) is much less terrifying than the entire freaking herd of elephants in the room whenever Trump enters.

    Dementia, insurrection charges, sexual assault convictions, fraud trial, treasonous behavior, dictatorial aspirations—the dude is a walking nightmare for this country.

    Biden maybe has mild issues with mental fog in the evenings and a vibrant and intelligent VP to back him up if the worst comes to pass. Trump, OTOH, is some kleptocracy shill who publicly talks about wanting to dismantle our democracy and never leave power again and hasn’t even named a VP candidate yet (but you can bet they’ll be an utterly spineless lickspittle after Pence shocked him by growing a pair right at the end). If he gets in office, we’re pretty much screwed, period.

    EDIT: Mind you, obviously I’d much rather be voting for someone like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or AOC, but since Hilary got unfairly bumped for the presidency, we got the Orange Terror instead, who proceeded to destabilize the country as much as possible during his term and here we are…