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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I got myself a Xerox printer because I figured I’d be familiar with the interface since all the offices I worked in had Xerox printers, plus I figured getting a near-corporate printer might keep some of the bullshit away since Xerox would probably not want to motivate their corporate customers to switch brands. AFAICT they probably get most of their business through service, not so much product.

    So far it has worked out well. I have yet to buy a Xerox brand toner cartridge, and I’ve had this printer for several years and I keep getting consistent high quality prints. Some of the features are not super intuitive, but I don’t think it’s terrible to have to read the manual once in awhile.

  • It wasn’t huge in terms of actual numbers, but it still feels like my biggest win. I bought my first car for like $750. It needed some work, but I fixed it up. Before long, I crashed it. It was totalled. But, it was a 1973 Dodge Charger. I started pulling parts off of it and selling them on this new thing called eBay, and by the time I ran out of parts, I had made more than twice what I bought the car for.

  • Nearly everything, TBH. You just gotta decide which things are important to you. Like, do you do a lot of working on cars? Spend some good money on tools - totally worth it. Tinker with something once every couple of years? Cheaper tools will get the job done, and maybe last several years at that rate.

    This is true of your blender too, honestly. I don’t blend stuff often and don’t really care, a cheap blender is fine for me. Anyone who likes blended stuff and uses it often? Totally worth getting something really good.

  • In the movie Point Of No Return, the main character is taught by one of her trainers to say “I never did mind about the little things.” To demonstrate the appropriate use of the phrase, later in the movie a guy shoots her friend then looks at her to see how she’s going to react and she says it to him. Given the time and perspective thus afforded her, she later kills that guy before he kills her.

    I dunno, I just think of that phrase a lot. Also I’ve been through a lot of big things that make practically everything seem like Little Things in comparison.

  • It’s not the same thing, but it looks like you haven’t got a match yet. I’m in my 40’s and just had jaw surgery about 6 months ago. Everyone I could find seemed wildly glad they’d done it. I’m relatively early in recovery and still somewhat annoyed with the process. However, my teeth line up how they should now so that’s pretty sweet. (That was the reason for it.) Also my face isn’t crooked any more and my tongue has more room and apparently I don’t snore any more.

    It sounds like the tongue tie surgery is much less invasive and stuff in your mouth heals pretty quick. (All I’m waiting for at this point is nerves and bone.) I ultimately decided to go ahead with it even though I feel like I’m pretty old, because I figure I should live at least another 40 years, and 40 years is a long, long time. May as well make it a little better if possible.