I’m hoping that maybe (just maybe) he realizes the value of adding all of Trek.
I’m hoping that maybe (just maybe) he realizes the value of adding all of Trek.
He would keep the linear networks, plus Paramount+ and operate the streamer more efficiently (Good luck with that).
Good luck indeed. We’re all counting on you.
I’m sure. However, I am not in a position to self host and videos are huge unless you post them as webm which some people might even report you for.
I post a fair amount of video edits. I’ve had quite a few people say that video playback is far from ideal for not just Lemmy, but the Fediverse as a whole. Is this mostly a 3rd party app thing, or a backend issue? I haven’t had much issue myself, but enough people have mentioned it that there is likely an issue somewhere down the line.
Indeed, but everything you need is there. And I’ll throw one in for free and it is awesome to get started: http://websdr.org/
We have that. It is a mastodon bot. I don’t remember what server it is on, but tagging it will set the reminder.
I almost hate to recommend it, but r/rtlsdr is the place to go.
RTL-SDR is basically a way of using a digital device as a broadband radio. That is an oversimplification, but that is the idea. There are cheap USB devices out there that will turn a PC into a ham radio receiver (among a really wide range of other bands like weather satellites). I have no idea how they are doing it with Android, however. Maybe using the phone’s antenna.
Thanks for the info. I had wondered what was going on. Glad to see the features from 19.5 here.
All of the gifs/edits are. I deleted a couple because of bad hosting issues.
It isn’t only tips. I opt to be paid by time + tips. In my area it is $18.50 per hour driven with tips. I average about $25-$28 per hour. The real issue is that getting to the point where you can just go work whenever you want is really rough because there isn’t always a spot available.
Kraft Mac and cheese with sausage cut up in it.
Now this… this has legs.
Maybe some southern style sweet tea if you need a little pick me up.
Absolute legend.
It would still be the standard issue Q-Tip, but by regulation you can not go deeper than the exterior.
I have to hold out hope at this point. I refuse to make my entire personality the ownership of a peg leg and a parrot… for now.