Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.


  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • I’ve always been amazed when i get a new “seasoned” project manager and they try to really work on making all the tracking as efficient as possible so they have tons of metrics.

    …and then nothing happens. We don’t look at projects and tasks and figure out which work would be best for which team members based on past experience. We don’t do any sort of optimization. We just track “velocity” and our estimates on release end up more dependent on how new the tech or the concept is (not knowing what we don’t know) than anything else.

  • Not a photographer but worked at the restaurant where a wedding party had their rehearsal dinner.

    The groom stood up and gave a toast, all well and good. Not sure if he didnt habe parents or what but the bride’s father talked a moment and gave the groom a few jabs that slowly turned into him almost roasting the guy. Took it that the bride’s father didn’t really like the guy. Groom made a jab back and the father slung it right back at him.

    And that is when the groom goes off and slugs the bride’s father square in the face and down he goes. Groom says a bunch of “fuck you and fuck you” and walks out of the restaurant. We ended up having to walk all these people to their cars because they were afraid the groom might come back and do something (ha like I’m going to protect your great aunt mulva if he comes back with a gun!).

    A couple came into the restaurant a few weeks later, friends of one side of the wedding party. Turns out the groom went back to the hotel, packed up his stuff and left to go back home. Had all the bride’s stuff packed and on a moving truck to her parents place before the weekend was out. Groom just flat out nope’d her.

  • As for jogging people’s memories…

    So whenever i have to get approval from higher ups that i know they will forget and get annoyed about it i ask that they all stand up and state “i agree / approve to XYZ.” People will laugh and say “really?!?”.

    At my last job one of my bosses decided on something that went against what all us in engineering said. So i told him to stand up in front of everyone and say “i acknowledge that this goes against the suggestions by engineering but I would like the team to implement… whatever the feature was.” Two months later he came to a meeting all pissed about how this feature wasn’t working and when he saw me enter the meeting he said “fuck, this is my fault isn’t it?”

  • A friend from college does software dev for a place that does 4x10-4 and he said the way the fixed issues was by asking for ROI on everything you do. Need to schedule a meeting? Is it worth the cost of people’s time? If so make sure you get the right people, habe everything planned out before calling it so you get your work done promptly.

    At first everyone was like fuck, more crap you have to do. But eventually they figured out that much of their time was wasted on crap no one needed to do. Some people stuck around for an hour or two after work to hang out and others took back their lives. Productivity actually increased because people were not as burned out.

  • I’m a lead software developer. Finally working a place where we do reasonable schedules with a good amount of padding for problems popping up.

    If i wasnt in pointless meetings and focused on actual productive time thats about what most of my team does and we hit all our schedules.

    When i worked at Samsung they were doing 4 day weeks and no one was doing 8hr days

  • A few things that would help:

    A 4 day work week with both ends of the day brought in to maybe 10-4 (sorry didnt mean 10-3). Things like going to the bank require me to either run during my lunch break or do it on a day off. 4x10-4 means i have a day and edges of days to do tasks i can’t do on the weekend.

    Unlimited PTO. If my tasks are done and I’m paid a salary there is no reason i need to sit around doing nothing. If more work is expected then I’d expect more compensation.

    And lastly mandatory cost of living connected to inflation every year. My last job started during the pandemic. In 2 years the effective inflation rate was 15% and yet i was only given 3% over that time while getting good marks on my reviews. That means in that time i was paid a crazy amount less my last day than my first. I dont care about the actual number of dollars I’m paid but I’d like to buy the same number of eggs mext year as this year if I’m expected to do the same amount of work. This shouldn’t be thought of as a bonus, but rather keeping my level of compensation matched woth my level of expectations for my job.

  • They knew. They say that because they don’t actually want to fulfill their employees needs.

    We want to WFH because we dont want a 2hr unpayed commute. The way that ks fixed is for employees to consider the commute part of their 9-5 but that means we are really only doing 10-4 with an hour from lunch.

    We want WFH because our lunch breaks don’t easily get taken over by meetings because we arent sitting at our desk of the break room. The hour is an actual hour you can’t contact me so more “lost time”.

    With WFH its harder to keep people around after hours as they can quickly mark their chat so to afk. That means no more 4:30 pop ins saying we need to stay late.

    Turns out that when your employees can force their work time no one givea away free time. When you end WFH and try to squeeze out more time you’re going to piss off a lot of people.

  • I’ve done a few things.

    I have a mailing list for all my recruiters. They all get added in whenever I get pings on LinkedIn or cold calls. When I am looking for work the mailing list all gets BCC’d a message saying I’m looking, here is my resume, what I’m looking for, etc. When I book an interview I BCC them all saying one of the recruiters has setup an interview, if you work on their behalf do not submit my name as I know there are issues with multiple recuiters doing that. They all get the info, and honestly all the recruiters I’ve worked with have loved this.

    Second is apply to everything. There have been places where their job description was my exact work history and yet I get no response. No one is hamed by you applying all over. They want candidates and if no one applied then the jobs would stay empty. I found a job in 4 months of looking but I applied to probably 70 jobs. Some were me trying to get a huge raise and position job, a few were worst case scenario. The job before my previous one took 9 months of looking and a few hundred applications. I did get a few offers along the way but not things I wanted to do.

    It is all a numbers game. I’ve been a developer for 25 years and it has never been a one and done task. I have all sorts of crap to toot my own horn and I’d say that in 90% of the jobs I apply for I’m overly qualified and yet many times I didn’t get a call because the person fielding my resume and application didn’t move it along. Was the role filled? Did they think I’d get bored or expect more pay? Did they not like the font I’m using? I will never know.

    Oh and your interview skills needs to be worked on.