• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I was a full time test engineer / QA person for a while. My motto quickly became “nothing ever works”.

    Pretty much any ticket behind a static copy change would have some problem or oversight. Sometimes even those would (did you account for very narrow view ports?)

    Good developers would take this feedback gracefully. “Shit, you’re right, I need to account for mobile users.”

    Bad developers would get defensive and upset. “We barely have any mobile users (me: did you check?). Alan already approved so I’m merging. I don’t want to waste time on this”

  • It’s strangely satisfying when the “this will probably never happen” test case finds a problem during development.

    I had tests for deleting that were like

    • create item a
    • create item b
    • delete item a via the code under test
    • assert item a is gone
    • assert item b is still there

    I thought maybe the whole bit with item b was excessive, but sure enough one day I accidentally fucked something up and deleted all the items, and the test pointed it out before the bad code left my local machine.

  • From what I’ve read, there are a few things that change people’s beliefs. Fact is not one of them. What your in-group believes is a big factor. So if we could murder fox news, we’d probably do the world a lot of good.

    But the other thing that apparently can push people into reevaluating their beliefs? Horrific, personal, trauma. Someone who’s whole town was destroyed by climate change might be shaken up enough to rethink their world view. Maybe.

    You could also maybe trigger the effect by beating the living shit out of a climate change denier, because being dragged out of their coal-rolling truck and being beaten so badly they’ll never walk again would be traumatic.

  • Kind of off topic but some people are really bad at writing jira tickets.

    “Show the user a list of projects [eof]”

    Ok but like, only their projects, right? Do they need to be ordered? Searchable? Paginated? Only active ones or soft deleted ones, too? Do you just need the name or do you need metadata too?

    Somehow product doesn’t love my stance of “if it’s not on the ticket or in a sop, the behavior is undefined and you get what you get” stance.