#liberal #anticapitalism

An #EconomicDemocracy is a market economy where most firms are structured as #WorkerCoops.

#coops #cooperatives

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


    1. A FairPhone that can run GrapheneOS.

    2. Dual screen phone (separate screens not foldable) with that can run GrapheneOS

    3. Tablet with keyboard case that runs GrapheneOS and has support for Linux apps, so I can replace my PC with something more private and secure

    4. Don’t know if this is possible but a keyboard where each key can show different icons depending on if the shift or control key is pressed to make keyboard shortcuts easier to learn, but still possible to type without looking

  • Marginal productivity theory is a better analysis. I don’t approve of the ideological way economists present it though.

    There is a need for a labor theory to recognize flaws in capitalism, but the labor theory that is needed is one of property (LTP) not of value after all capitalism is a property system. LTV is insufficiently decisive in its critique. At best, it says that workers are underpaid. LTP, on the other hand, demonstrates that workers legally own 0% of what they produce

  • The employment contract not private property gives the employer the legal right to the whole product and control rights to the firm.

    Why do you believe that privately owned capital goods imply a lack of workers’ control? A worker coop remains a coop even if a third party rents them a factory.

    Oh, you include private land ownership.

    Modern social democrats are capitalist of course.

    Socialists aren’t the only anti-capitalists. “Market socialism” is not socialism.
    I cannot fit more in a toot

  • This is the wrong argument to make. By normal juridical standards, wage labor is not coercive. Capitalist wage labor’s voluntary nature, unlike other systems such as historical slavery, allows for other anti-capitalist critiques. The workers are fully de facto responsible for the results of their actions (the whole product of the firm). This observation makes the flaw in the system clear. Even if wage labor was coercive, the solution to that would be just a basic income

  • This understanding rejects all criticism of capitalism based on its denial of workers’ control as not a critique of capitalism per se. It takes the position that an economy where all firms are worker coops is capitalist, which is strange due to labor’s special role in controlling all firms.

    Is the capitalist’s appropriation of 100% of the product of the workers’ labor not a defining aspect of capitalism?

    It also makes climate critiques not of capitalism. Those involve private property in land