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Cake day: July 5th, 2023

  • this is the first study to consistently map brain changes during pregnancy, write the study authors in their paper.

    “It’s 2024 and this is the first glimpse we have of this fascinating neurological transition. There is so much about the neurobiology of pregnancy we don’t understand yet. It’s a biproduct of the fact that biosciences have historically ignored women’s health,” said Jacobs.

    I knew that there were fundamental neurological changes that occurred during pregnancy, but had no idea that there hadn’t been a comprehensive brain mapping study done yet. There is a surprising amount of sexism in academia.

  • The importance of physical touch, hugs, and intimacy is so great, that I’ve long since been convinced that sex work should be legalized. Why? Because often people will engage with a sex worker purely for this kind of intimate contact, even if it’s not sexual at all. Can you imagine a depressed 40-50 something that is lonely, and just wants someone to hold him, stroke his hair, and tell him it will be all right? I’m willing to bet that’s like 30% of the clientele

  • These kinds of posts are actively harming our chances of avoiding a fascist take over. Can you not? The convicted felon was just listed even more times on the infamous pedophiles private docs, is there not an article about that you can post? gotta make sure everyone keeps talking about how an old man had an old man moment. An old man that’s helping the IRS go after the 1%, helping the EPA regulate carbon emissions, helping medicare lower drug prices, helping student loan borrowers reduce their burden, helping the fucking Ukraine while it defends itself against the soft-launch of WWIII… I’m sure there’s more I’m missing.

    I’ll vote for a corpse over fucking fascism. Biden passing would mean a strong black woman gets put in charge, and however much I disagree with some of her positions, I would take almost any black woman over drumpf. 99% chance of them being 1000x better for working families than the convicted felon pedophile rapist.

  • This is the third time I’ve come across an article like this, and they all line up with my theory of dying.

    First of all, Humans have the unconscious ability to alter their perception of time. From moments that last forever, to years that pass in a flash. I think when we really pay attention, and are really ‘tuned into’ what’s happening, we become more perceptive, and things just slow down. Like the first time you watch an epic movie, where the cinematic shots seem to take their time in delivering the ‘feeling’ of the scene. And upon a rewatch, now it seems like those slow set-up shots are slightly faster. What’s changed? well, you were on the edge of your seat when you watched it the first time. You slowed your perception of it without really being aware that you did it.

    Secondly, the afterlife is fake, but heaven is real. That sounds paradoxical, but let me explain. There is no evidence to suggest that there exists some deity or that they created a big ‘afterparty’ for every ones . But, we have had people technically die, and then come back reporting that they saw their grandparents, or old dog, or a bright inviting light. This is where my first posit comes into play. When you die, your brain gives you one last hurrah. As evidenced in this dying patient, and countless other studies showing a massive dopamine and serotonin rush. What I believe, is that during this time, your perception of time plummets, and you hallucinate, envision, dream (whatever you wanna call it), whatever you want. But not just what you want, what you expect. Remember, this is a personalized, once-in-a-lifetime hallucination. You’re dying, you know it, and whatever you’ve decided happens when you die, is what you experience. If you think you deserve heaven filled with all your old friends, pets, and donuts, well, that’s what you’re going to get. If you’re raised catholic and lead a terrible life, thinking you deserve hell, well, that’s what your experience will be.

    I imagine that this trip can last, ultimately, however long you want. You’re not stopping time, just your perception of it. At least, that’s my theory.

  • “I always knew that there was risk of arrest because of the type of stories that I cover, but until it happens to you, you don’t understand the emotional and psychological impact that it has,” Ms. Morin said afterward, speaking to a group of reporters outside the police station. “And I think that it is a tactic that they use to send that message. To impede, to insult, discredit and to intimidate the media.”

    This statement hits, because it’s describing a traumatic event. Have you ever had a faceless gov’t agency decide you’re the enemy? Have you ever been treated like a criminal, despite no wrong doing? Have you ever known what was happening is wrong, but you’re helpless to stop it?

    It’s traumatic, and we all know that. Yet for decades it’s a long standing practice within law enforcement to arrest someone for merely “resisting arrest.” How can one resist an arrest, if the arrest should never have occurred? without an inciting event, it’s paradoxical in nature, and flatly absurd on its face. And yet, it continues.

    The phrase oft repeated is that these cops are just “bad apples,” or the exception, not the rule. But what’s left out is that the entirety of the phrase is “one bad apple spoils the bunch.” And boy, is our bunch spoiled.