I like me some tech discussion and freedom.

Thank the sky above for the 1st and 2nd amendments.

Reality is best seen as absurd.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • No duh, because not a single country has made any real attempt to lower their citizens’ emissions.

    It will take sacrifice from all of us to stop warming.

    Forget 1.5°C, honestly, forget 2°C as well, keeping it under 3°C is likely the best that we can hope for right now. You’re needing to throw out our gas-based car infrastructure, reduce our reliance on jets as much as possible, lower not just meat consumption but also almonds/alfalfa/etc., and that is just to get started.

    Really, I don’t see the average voter letting that happen. What’s going to happen is eventually, sometime 30-40 years from now, a heat wave is gonna thrash the Middle East, consistent 130°F days for a solid month, 100,000 people dead, and the very next year planes will be in the air, making clouds to block the sun.

    We are not ready to give up the things that the developed world will have to give up to truly back away from this coming apocalypse.

  • Honestly, I have no real clue.

    Twitch isn’t quite completely impervious to adblockers, with proxy extensions allowing us to skip ads still for now, but YouTube could do the exact same thing tomorrow if they wished. uBlock Origin wouldn’t save you, SponsorBlock wouldn’t save you, the only thing that could be done would be a black screen whenever an ad pops up.

    Maybe YouTube doesn’t want to fall into the hole Twitch is in, with the proxy loophole, and they view fighting adblockers as a better choice than having to spend a massive amount of encoding expense to have the silver bullet in every country.

  • Anyone here who comments about how they deserved this fate or how they got what was coming to them needs to grow the fuck up.

    There are very, very few people in this world who have done something bad enough to have this kind of condition even be remotely justified. They’re gonna either be on the streets or in basic Medicaid nursing homes for the rest of their lives. Many will get beaten and robbed. Many will probably just commit suicide to avoid the nightmarish conditions. And people here are celebrating this?!

    Newsflash, the baby boomer generation are also people who also deserve to have someone give a shit about them. You people are sick.

  • This “everything is worse” feeling is not something that has any link to any political party.

    If life is percieved to get worse under any party’s reign, whether to Tories as is the case now, Labour if they were elected, or SNP or whatever, they will blame whoever is in charge at the moment.

    It’s happening now, it’s happening with the Democrats in the US, with Liberals in Canada, and to a lesser extent, the ruling coalition in Germany with AfD getting a surge thanks to people just generally discontent with life.

    How much of that is their fault is something up for debate. It’s not 100% their fault, and it also isn’t 100% not their fault either. The same reactionary thoughts that are coming now from this here are giving the Conservative party in Canada a resurgence. I have a feeling most of you don’t like that, but it’s the truth.

    When people are thinking life is getting worse, they will vote in whoever is not part of the current leadership.