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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • Considering that reading source code can take a long time

    You’ll get faster over time, until reading code is faster than reading documentation, as code will always represent what’s truly happening, while docs are frequently outdated.

    In a language the user isn’t familiar with

    If you’re not that familiar with the language, it’s likely you won’t be contributing to the project. Open source projects usually to have quite limited resources, so they tend to optimize docs and dev UX for people who are likely to contribute.

  • The UK spent decades convincing everyone that all bad decisions are made by the EU and all good decisions are made by Westminster. That’s the first mistake.

    If the UK had properly educated its citizens about what the EU actually was and did, no remain campaign would’ve been necessary whatsoever. But it was politically convenient to have a scapegoat.

    And let’s be honest, remain aka “remoaners” had a ton of arguments all the time. But brexiteers just wanted to enter the magical land where the UK still mattered and they’d eat their cake and have it still.