Baphomephit. It. ΘΔ&. b '84. Gen. Sec. of Antifa ☭ Gnostic Mystic. Absolute Mad-Lass.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • People keep saying this but I’ve been around since Reagan and with every election cycle things get noticeably worse. The Democrats never keep their promises and continue to cede ground. The Republicans continue ramping up their antics. People said they had enough in 88, in 92, in 96, in 2000, etc etc.

    Every time the American people fell for whatever was being peddled in front of them. As someone who is almost 40, I can tell you the only time I ever thought there might be positive change and people standing up for themselves and their communities at large was during the 2020 protests and pandemic. Surely, I thought this would be the beginning of something new.

    But the media began to ignore things, social media algos quickly adjusted to bury protests and boost disinfo actors. Now I have to wonder just how much worse things will get if this is what we put up with. What will it take to get people to fight for their rights. If we wait until the government makes us (LGBTQ, etc) illegal it will be too late to act.

    I honestly doubt most people will be moved to do anything to defend our rights, they don’t even care about their own until the police show up for them.

  • Not surprised. Prager U has been gunning for their propaganda becoming official school curricula for years. It was obvious from the start with their bad info-graphics style and the fact they have been pushing their channel on children for years with the help of YouTube’s algorithm. Fascists aren’t satisfied with keeping their politics to themselves, they want to forcefully indoctrinate your children behind your back in the classroom.

    It’s time parents push back. Teachers need to strike. Students need to strike. Parents need to demand en-masse that this be removed from the curriculum or they will remove their children from the school. This is unacceptable.

  • We’re in an El Niño year, so we probably won’t see a lot of hurricanes despite the record high ocean temperatures. There’s too much wind sheer coming off continental high pressure systems residing over the Eastern US that tends to cause tropical circulations to either fall apart or curve towards Central America or the central Atlantic. Give is a couple years once we are our of the current cycle.

    Instead Florida will just bake in record high temps and probably experience some really severe storms caused by the same convection currents that cause sea breezes. These are known for spawning tornadoes, so there still is a possibility for severe weather. Just probably not hurricanes.

    We’ll see tho. Hurricane season don’t usually get busy until the end of August through October with a peak in September and this year has been very unprecedented. Who even knows at this point?

  • Rothbard is the reason we associate Libertarianism with the Right. He’s the one that suggested calling themselves Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists. Before him, Libertarianism was a Socialist thing and had little to do with Capitalism.

    Basically, modern Libertarians stole the term from the Left to re-brand themselves as something they weren’t and to create this guise of pretending to care about people’s liberty and freedom—which they also don’t because Rothbard supported and advised Fascists and had no problem with slavery or indentured servitude.

    The Right loves to steal and re-define terms used on the left.