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Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • I mean… it’s literally like 3 photos of what is claimed. Stretched into a 4 minute long video. With photos/photoshops of trump by himself in various rooms. If the rooms have connection with Epstein, I don’t know what they are.

    So yeah, this was such trash. It doesn’t bring home any point, we already knew Trump was a pedo sleeze fuck, as well as Ghislaine, Weinstein, and Epstein. It just looks like someone who’s thinking way to much about this stuff in their spare time…

    You could even just rename this to something MAGA would like, and the video would still make complete sense. There’s nothing actually saying these people were bad or anything. If I didn’t know any better, it almost looks like the video is some sort of praise.

  • It only takes a few people to introduce a blob of diversity into an otherwise isolated population and suddenly all their ancestors become contributors to that areas gene pool.

    I researched into this, and was incredibly surprised. The only compatible offspring of neanderthals and modern day humans, were with a male homo neanderthalensis, and a female homo sapien. Estimates are you’d only need 1 successful interbreeding every 70 generations or so.

    If it’s that low, that makes me ponder: How is it we had both enough genetic isolation for speciation to occur, but enough proximity for pairing with modern humans? Denisovans also interspersed among our population, much the same way.

    And if it takes that little, why do we see so many distinct genetic populations today? We see distinct differences in bone structure, birth canal shape, height, metabolism, and the article says even specific notable changes to immune system.

  • There’s no real scientific basis of there being such a thing as a “race”. There’s many more sub-phenotypes of homo sapien than there are “races”. Hell, in Africa alone there are something like 14 edit: 13 (sorry, had to fact check myself there) major, distinct genetic groups [1]. Many of the major pacific islands also have distinct genetic lineage; so much so that they can be reliably grouped into which island they originated from. “Race” is far too broad of a term and wholly unscientific; it should be broken down in a far more granular fashion. (in my opinion the benefit of this being that it’s unlikely to be worth it to racists to remember all the groups they’re trying to hate)

    The comment was a poke at the people (like yourself) who always jump to the conclusion you’ve jumped to; as well as the scientists who constantly walk on egg shells to avoid any topic like intelligence, because they will be roasted alive by hypersensitive people who are just looking for someone to attack. So their findings, and their reports are chastised in order to fit that particular nuance of our society.

    Additionally, the reason I think we should stop shying away from distinctly organizing these genetic groups, is because in lots of cases of medical research, these genetic lineages aren’t being taken into account. Many drugs work differently on West-European patients than they do on East-Asian patients; or have different efficacy. These things need to be taken into account if we’re ever going to create the right medicine for the right people.

  • Nobody made any assumptions about you. And nobody mentioned race except you. Projecting much? You literally started the first reply with “Are you a white American, by chance?”

    Racism doesn’t mean “anything that involves someone not American or Western European”. It means thinking you’re better than someone based on their race; which I don’t, and clearly you’ve shown with your literal opening move trying to establish what race you can classify me as, so you can attempt to look down upon me for being said race.

    For fucks sake, this line of defense may have won you a lot of playground arguments, but it doesn’t work in the real world. Acting like a victim, pulling the race card when it was mentioned absolutely nowhere, the tired old line “Do better” that every one of you regurgitate. Get some new material, holy crap. You’re just as bad as the brainwashed Q followers raiding pizza places.

    Don’t go crying on the internet when Trump wins because you wanted someone more progressive and you end up with even more rights stripped away. And for the love of god…if you’re trying to establish someone else’s race in an argument YOU’RE THE RACIST.

  • You may want to learn what racism is buddy. Because this ain’t it. Nationalism maybe? Sure. But going around calling everything racist because it involves people not of euro-ethnic origin, isn’t how racism works. I don’t think Palestinian people are inferior to anyone in any way - but I get it. You gotta play that victim card. It’s probably won you a lot of arguments at the playground.

    So, my comment about misanthropy was more to let you know that you were using an appeal to emotion in your argument. An appeal to emotion isn’t a valid argument for something. Especially when the person you’re arguing with, doesn’t give much of a damn for people’s emotions.

    This is basic Trolly Car problem level shit my man. Don’t pull the switch, someone dies that you know. Pull the switch, and 5 people die that you don’t know.

    I choose to let the person die that I know, to save the 5 others. What you’re doing, is letting the 5 die because the person you know is close to you. That’s all. Despite my misanthropy, the benefit for humanity lay more with making sure we don’t lose America to a much larger problem.

    I’d gladly turn a blind eye to Palestine temporarily to make sure we don’t lose Palestine, Ukraine, Taiwan, and America on the larger stage. And you better bet that I’ll be putting up a stink for the Palestinian people just as soon as Trump is NOT elected.

    You lack foresight.

  • You might call it callous, I call it reality. The least evil comes out of NOT letting Trump back in office. But since you can’t see past your own nose, you’ll end up causing your own destruction.

    US. As in Americans. (And of COURSE it’s lemmy, so let’s pull the race card!) You’re going to lose your ability to vote here soon when your shortsightedness allows a candidate back into office that has already said he’d love for Palestine to be a glass crater.

    The most good also comes out of making sure Biden has the best chances at winning. That means sucking up certain realities until the election is done. We’re here because a bunch of people just like you, wouldn’t just suck it up and vote for Hillary but protest-voted. At LEAST learn from past mistakes.