It’s not a competition of what is more or less harmful. I agree that they’re both worse than marijuana. I don’t see reasonable argument for pretending there are no risk though. As you know, we throughly awknowledge the risk of tobacco and alcholol. I think going back to caffiene is fair though. Most people they know there are risk to caffiene and they know that having too much of it can cause issues. Warning or awknowledment of risk isn’t to sway convince people not to do something, it’s to give them informormation to make an informed decision.
here’s the two options to present:
- weed is a healthy plant. it helps people manage cancer and fixed my grandmas glaucoma. Alcohol is worse. There’s no hangover or drawback to weed. (this is legitimatly how weed is often portrayed).
- weed is drug with reletively uncommon and relatively minor side-effects. Most people experiece eurhoria or relaxation with consumption. Marijuana may be helpful for alleviating cancer or chemotherapy symptoms or and may help with other specific conditions. A small percentage of users exerperience anxiety, panic attacks, or pycological dependence with usage.
You’re missing the point. Addiction isn’t the only issue.