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Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • D’après lui, l’ancien président participe ainsi “à un double mensonge”, c’est-à-dire “un programme économique qui est tout le contraire de ce que François Hollande pense et a fait” […]“Que François Hollande défende la retraite à 60 ans”, qui est un objectif du Nouveau Front populaire, “personne n’y croit”, s’indigne Manuel Valls.

    Cépafo, comme quoi même une horloge cassée a raison deux fois par jour. Par contre entre deux il nous ressort la salade macronienne selon laquelle la FI est antisémite parce qu’être anti Israël c’est comme être anti-juif -_-

    Je pense qu’il est assez mal placé pour accuser quelqu’un se s’allier à des antisémites, lui qui s’est allié à des Franquistes à Barcelone !

  • This experiment was indirectly made by unscrupulous construction companies in Taiwan in the 80s, who recycled contaminated steel for habitation buildings. When this was brought to light, scientists made a follow up on the population who had been exposed and got some interesting results.


    diseases within the minimal latent periods and were not attributable to the exposure from RCBs. On the basis of the remaining 95 patients, we found that staying in RCBs was associated with increased risks of thyroid cancers (7 patients, SIR = 2.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.1 – 5.4) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (5 patients, SIR = 5.4, 95% CI 1.8 – 12.6) and a trend of developing leukemia except chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) (7 patients, SIR = 2.2, 95% CI 0.9 – 4.6), for both genders combined. (Table

    1. On the other hand, the exposed population had lower risks for all cancers combined excluding leukemia (SIR = 0.8, 95%, CI 0.6 – 0.9) and all solid cancers combined (SIR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.6 – 0.9)

    TD;DR : Some cancer rates increase, most significantly leukemia, others decrease. If you exclude leukemia, exposed people have slightly lower cancer rates. Except, you can’t, because leukemia is pretty significant and serious.

  • Why do you think feral chickens are a concern?

    No particular reason, chicken, ecological disasters and Brasil are just three things that have been popping in and out of my mind lately, it was only a matter of time until they combined.

    The jaguar and anaconda population would increase for a few generations, but it would balance it out after a while

    But would chicken still have a place in this new balance? I mean, tigers and pythons haven’t hunted the jungle fowls to extinction, nor have jaguars and anacondas done so to the unrelated, yet- similar tinamu…

  • Yeah, you might be right, but just to feed the debate I’ll take the defense of the chicken :

    • Their sheer number is a big factor : There can be hundreds of thousands in a single farm. Even if tens of thousands die on the first days, the next morning, the survivors will be less fat and more alert.

    • Red junglefowls are quite adept at living in a rainforest environment despite being nearly flightless and living close to many predators. Their strategy of being diurnal and hiding in the trees at night to avoid mostly nocturnal predators works pretty well and many Amazon predators are nocturnal as well. Mass farm chicken might be too fat at first, but it shouldn’t last too long and feral chicken are known to quickly recover their instincts and start brooding in trees.

    • Tinamus while very far from chicken classification-wise (and closer to ostriches), fill a very similar niche and have a similar lifestyle to jungle fowls, also being very poor flyers. This proves that this type of lifestyle can also work in the Amazon. And with tinamu populations being destabilized by deforestation, and chicken being more adapted to a variety of lifestyles, they could outcompete them and steal their niche.

    • Just for the scorpion part : Chicken rarely encounrer scorpions due to these being nocturnal. And when they do, it’s a pretty even match : The scorpions might poison them, but the feathers make it harder and the chicken might eat the scorpion first. Source

  • There was an evolutionary trend among carnivorous theropods that the larger they grew the less they used their arms to grab the prey: If you can either inflict a deadly bite or grab the whole neck in your jaw, grabbing with claws becomes unnecessary. Two lineages took it particularly far: in abelisaurids, such as carnitaurus, the arms became vestigial and in some cases completely disappeared.

    In a separate theropod lineage, T-Rexes, while much bigger than any abelisaurid and with a bigger head, did not have vestigial arms. Their arms, tho tiny, still had bones that locked into each-other and seemed to have muscle attachments. There’s been several theories as to why: This certainly meant that T-Rexes still used their arms, but how? The main theory is that juvenile T-Rexes had a different morphology as their adult counterpart. They already hunted, but much smaller preys, and with a different technique, so they would’ve still used their arms. On top of that, there’s the idea that adult T-Rexes might’ve slept on their bellies and their arms would’ve been useful to bush themselves back up.

    Another reason for T-Rex’s large heads, in addition to their big jaws being terribly efficient, is that it may help with placing their center of gravity over the knees, which is useful to keep balance while walking or running.

  • What’s the latest drama of Hexbear ? I’ve been on that site since before they were part of the fediverse, but had started to lose interest in it. Then I’ve joined Lemmy without knowing Hexbear was in the process of federating. Now I’m hesitating on which account to keep (I’m more on the communist side myself, albeit not to keen on the pro-Russian stance I sometimes saw over there).

  • I had both Dawkin’s definition and internet memes in mind as I wrote this, since I don’t think they’re so different in the end. A meme (even in the modern sense) doesn’t have to be a funny image: In can be a practice, like rickrolling; a text like copypastas, a story -true or fictional, like “operation baja-blast” or creepypastas. Some combine several of these things, like the meme “loss.jpg” contains the comic’s story, it’s pannels, and the behaviour of hiding the loss symbol or finding it. All of these things are also what religions are made off!

  • Yes, I think there’s some of that! Not just the Fediverse, but the fact that many of the leading social media platforms aee struggling and people are looking for alternatives is a return to a stage with many social media existing and developping their own culture, without an all-powerful central one. I also feel like I’ce been seing more individual websites, even some small ones without much content, and some young people, myself included, have recently discovered RSS and started using it. I fear that only applies to a minority of people so far. I think too many have gotten used the convenience of letting a company do everything for them, they’re not embracing freedom, but already looking for a new overlord or still sticking with the last one.