• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I think a better solution would be to add a method called something like ulock that does a combined lock and unwrap.

    My concern with lock+unwrap is only partly because of convenience; I also didn’t like it because I think it’s a bad idea to get people used to casually calling unwrap, because it tends to hide inadequate error handing.

    Now that I think about it, I don’t like how unwrap can signal either “I know this can’t fail”, “the possible error states are too rare to care about” or “I can’t be bothered with real error handing right now”. In one or two of those cases you want to leave it in my production code, and in the last you want to audit all instances and replace them with proper error handing. Using the same function for all three cases makes that difficult.

  • Looks like the author missed my main complaint about Rust mutexes, which is that the lock method returns a Result. There should be a try_unlock method for when someone actually wants to handle the rather obscure failure case, and the name lock should be used for a method that panics on failure but returns a value that doesn’t need to be unwrapped first. I see the current arrangement as being about as sensible as having array subscripting return a Result to handle the case of a failed bounds check.

  • Yeah, because the new tools are never actually better, right? If condescending luddites like you had your way we’d still be living in the literal stone age. At every step of the way, people like you have smugly said that the older, more established ways of doing things were good enough and new ways were just a fad that would die out.

    Your favorite language was dismissed as fad when it was new. High level languages were a fad. Computing was a fad. Electricity was a fad. See a pattern?

    Nice job projecting with the “only morons” bit, BTW, when it is in fact you who started off by denigrating people whose preferences are different from yours.