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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Because that’s not how it works.

    It’s too late for Dems to field an alternative that doesn’t just play spoiler and get Trump elected. And barring some massive turn of events, the spell Trump has on the GOP isn’t going to break. Americans need to game it out long term and think strategically about who will be more likely to lead to the kind of change you’d like to see. Even if you think Biden won’t do any of the things you want to see happen, at least there will be room to talk about it under him. A second Trump presidency will again smother outside opinions under a cloud of chaos and cruelty and incompetence. If you like the abiity to protest - remember how it was dealt with under Trump. Which means for anyone with a shred of humanity - plug your nose if you have to and vote Biden.

  • It’s such a shitty moral quandary. We know all the arguments for combining them and they all make sense from a strategic standpoint but you’re absolutely right that they are in no way similar.

    I really think Biden should do more of this kind of thing - making the public case for support in Ukraine. His admin just doesn’t do enough communicating from the bully pulpet and this is just the kind of message that would really benefit from it. That was the best thing Obama did as POTUS: explaining things to the public in an adult way, trusting we’d get it.

    The Biden admin should be creating opportunities to distinguish him as the rational adult in the room. Let the GOP do their mudslinging. POTUS should be repeating ‘extremely cheap way to fight a long time enemy’ ‘defeating Russia without American soldiers’ blood’. Seriously, administrations during the cold war would salivate at this opportunity to put Russia on its heels.

    Not to mention ‘averting a larger war’ when the GOP is trying to paint him as a warmonger, and ‘averting a nuclear crisis’ when he needs to show he’s got strength even in his 80s.

    But the Dems seem to always be too concerned about catering to public opinion instead of using their vast resources to shape it.