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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • What’s wrong with having a some year old software? Does it do what you need? Yes. Then what? I have all I need on Debian. Why should I care of new updates. Security? Yes we have Debian security because of that. Look, y’all had the xyz backdoor package in your systems because it was new. Me as a Debian stable user I didn’t have to deal with it. Did I lose something by not having the latests software? No. Well maybe less crashes.

    Most privative software also gets weekly updates. Does it make it better? No. You may prefer that.

    Also I don’t get the point about the version numbering of Debian packages. Every team uses the versioning they want.

    From my experience software that updates a lot tends to break old features a lot too.

    Debian suporting freesoftware projects or other stuff doesn’t look as a relevant argument. I mean if you prefer using privative stuff and using that kind of software. Do whatever you like with your Google/Facebook/Apple friends.

    But don’t come intoxicate the community with this bullshit.

  • Because Google Chrome setups a good framework from the moment you open it to track, collect data, basically free market your internet life. Companies like to work the less possible using the least money, if Google already gives them all that setup for a fee then it’s more profitable than having to pay programmers to track you in other browsers.

    So they deliberately are saying to your face: “I only let you use my stuff if you enter as naked as possible”. They are not even shy about it.

    Someone like this only deserves a spit in the face and a domain ban. Basically. They can fuck off.

    Notes: Most of what I said is not exactly all the true. Most companies just reuse webpage code that it’s only tested form chromium, so they only let you use that. Because they are lazy AF, they don’t care about customers, they only care about money.

  • You sound like an angry oldman not wanting to accept reality.

    So you want companies to put excess product because you don’t know how to measure correctly (or don’t have good equipment). Well ask them. For the price of 410g, too? No? And maybe a paycheck supplement too.

    I want a lot of things too.

    The point is that it isn’t false advertising if you don’t know how to measure well. Is not a standar or whatever you think it is. It’s reality.

    Outside the kindergarten where everything seems so simple and easy to understand. In real life you don’t have ideal things. You don’t have an ideal measuring place.

    Sources of error when measuring:

    • The material cut tolerance.
    • Your house not being perfectly smooth leveled.
    • (for electronic scales) RF noise.
    • (for electronic scales) Tolerance on electronic components.
    • The scale subjection points not perfectly pressed.
    • (for electronic scales) discretization error.
    • Components degradation.
    • Humidity.
    • Gas denisty near the scale.
    • Gravity fluctuations in the region of measurement.
    • Surface of the sample not resting completly in the scale plate. Etc.

    And you are ranting about evil and “our” standards or whatever for a 2% error in the measurement? I would expect a 5% error given all that. That scale must be an exceptional good one.

    It’s not standards it’s reality. Why do you think measuring labs are so expensive? Evil companies?

    Try measuring your height more than once and see if results change. Hey if they change, you work for the evil companies, and you probably live in our “standards zone”.

    Our/Yours standards was pure comedy. It’s getting better and better.

  • All that speech does not change that the weighing scales he is using is cheap af and thus the measuring error is high enough. Even if the guys at the company had the best measuring system in the world without error and they packed 410g of pasta, the guy measuring at home with that scale would probably mesure a vaule not equal to the nominal one.

    Maybe the scales have measuring errors because they defend evil corporations. “Please scales stop defending evil corporations!!”. Dude i hate scales they are so much pro system…

    Srry your comment was too funny for me.