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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Of course WE know what this is about. We’re both reading the article (and most likely have a similar view of how important food insecurity is across the globe and in our own countries/states/provinces/cities). I’m not concerned about you or I getting the messaging. I’m question if the general public will get the messaging. The people who don’t know about food insecurity, or food waste, if they get the messaging. Even next door in Germany DW interviewed the communications head of the organization that protested and they couldn’t really point out how this was beneficial for their argument. They talked about wanting access to high quality food, so they mysteriously threw high quality food on the Mona Lisa? Wouldn’t a better protest of the same variety to have been throwing shit food at it? Or maybe blocking deliveries of crappy food to markets?

    So here we are, on the internet, having a conversation about the Mona Lisa being hit with pumpkin soup. The messaging isn’t clear from the protestors and the demonstration just goes to show why we need better organization amongst people who realize this is an issue. We need clear messaging to relay to the every man. The person who maybe doesn’t experience it themselves, or who maybe doesn’t see how good insecurity has a wider impact on people and keeping social-economic classes in the same groups.

    Challenge my viewpoint, prove to me how this protest has brought attention to their cause that’s meaningful rather than just notoriety to the Mona Lisa (that it didn’t already have), and that the every man is viewing this as a reason to help stop food insecurity.

    DW video interview.

  • It wipes data, it’s often not worth it (usually CBs for k12 are 16gb rom). When I managed my admin console I ran Linux on a CB to help resolve an issue we had with Zoom due to device limitations, but Linux at the time was still crippled by no correct access to microphone, which may have since changed. It’s a school device, just leave it be. You’re going to come up on state standardized testing time which means they’ll likely lock down your updates to prevent any further ones from applying. Plus you’ll most likely create a situation where the device will have to be power washed and reset again to comply with secure browsers.

    Most likely developer mode was left open as certain programming classes required it to be open in order to run some interface I can’t remember.

  • Because in 2022 with an 840 credit score I got .99% financing and 5k off MSRP. Which NO ONE was offering. Everyone wanted 5-10k if not more OVER sticker. Plus at the time there was only three trucks with front and rear lockers and only two with factory winches. Of which FCA/Stelantis made both. I needed those features due to my liking to go far out into the middle of nowhere without anyone else but my wife and I. I don’t want us stuck somewhere (not that I’m going to put us into those situations purposefully) so I wanted every goody available to get unstuck if push comes to shove.

    Plus it’s not like the alternatives are much better now. The 5.3/6.2 from GM with DFM has problems and fails quickly, the 6.2 from Ford is OK and I haven’t heard of many problems with the 7.2 Godzilla. That said the 10 speed trans from them is problematic allegedly and the Ram has the ZF 8 speed which is both bullet proof and also readily available since BMW and VW/Audi also use it. Toyota only had the 5.7 at the time which was thirsty and old. I wanted the new Tundra, but unfortunately I knew it would be years before I could get one easily and for a reasonable cost. Now for my current truck I don’t intend to replace it hopefully ever. It gets 7k oil changes on synthetic and I take care of the paint and ceramic coat it to prevent the oxidation problems. Hemi tick is present, but it’s not detrimental. If the engine blows the good news is that every recruit that financed a 392 crashed them within months which means there’s good motors out there with low miles if I need a new one and they’re relatively cheap and easy to replace myself.

  • Dudes that say “hemi” still are stuck in the past and stupid. I say this as someone who owns and drives a Ram 2500 “Hemi” (don’t worry, no DUIs). It’s a marketing term at this point that dumb grunts (and I don’t just mean in the military) buy into because they feel special. It’s like dudes that say they drive a Cummins or Power Stroke (yes all of these are as erotic as they sound). It’s an engine. At the end of the day it’s kind of a crappy one too. Most Dodge Hemi’s have what’s known as Hemi-tick that is this sort of constant clicking on idle, they’re incredibly inefficient, they make mediocre power compared to their competition and the reliability on them is questionable at best. Overall good maintenance will keep these motors working fine and running for a long time, but the paint on every Ram will fade and chip, the clear coat will crap out, and the interior will eventually start to rattle and fall apart faster than the competition. 10/10 vehicles.

  • Could their comment be a highly thoughtful and extrapolation on the current state of affairs regarding search engines and the rise of free to use products where the consumer is the product? Or is the comment just an ad because obviously anything mentioning a brand is immediately an ad with no other thought put into it.

    Buddy, companies trying to build up user base aren’t exactly going to push for it in comment sections of a small pocket of the internet. They’ll spend their ad dollars on targeted FB and Reddit ads or buy airtime on new shows to talk about the dangers of data privacy and how Google is selling you out.

    Try Brawndo next time you’re looking to water your plants. Brawndo, it’s what plants crave.

  • Not when they’re content and approve of the way things are, and spare me the “but here’s a video of a person unhappy about it”. I guess I’ll shift back then so the people of Lemmy can be happy to my true American roots and say we should bomb them again randomly. I mean, it worked for 20 years apparently so why did we stop.

    The middle ground is to be friends with them. They don’t want that either (can’t blame them on that one), so leaving them alone is our best course of action. Bombing their leaders because of “human rights abuses” is exactly what created Osama Bin Laden, ISIL, and every other terror group in the last 20+ years. I’m sick of fighting and being at war. My country, the US, can build some of the greatest infrastructure on the planet. I’d rather build that and spend money on humanitarian relief to help people after natural disasters.

    Next go around at trying to colonize Afghanistan can be done by Australia if you want. I’d hope you all would have opened a history book by then, but probably not considering the thirst for blood in this thread.

  • I love when you lemmings end your shit with “maybe when you’re older” like as if you’re some all knowing creature because you’re old as shit (boomer).

    Maybe when you’re older you’ll learn to leave people the fuck alone that want to be left alone. We’ve tried world building enough. The Soviets, the British and the US. How many dead Middle Eastern people will it take before your colonial ass realizes it’s not what they want.

    They’re only worth saving if they want to be saved. Keep worrying about your $1 food, I’ve got bigger things to be worried about that don’t involve making kids terrified of clear blue skies.

  • Ok, we can go back to bombing random civilians then. I guess if we guise it under “human rights” this time it makes all the bad stuff go away. Y’all realize you’re literally asking for people to go in and bomb a sovereign nation solely because you disagree with how they’re living?

    I feel for those girls and the future they want. I hope they can make it to a country that supports them and fosters the same ideals they hold. Sometimes the country or culture we’re born into doesn’t align with us. However those girls aren’t a majority. I can find Americans saying things the majority of us don’t agree with, I can find Iranians saying things the majority of Americans agree with. These don’t make those things true of each others cultures. You’re wanting to change a culture because it doesn’t align with your ideals rather than realizing that sometimes that’s exactly what people want.

    I’ll leave you with this: The monarchy in Britain has centuries of human rights abuses, and is something I think is completely antithetical to Democratic principles. Yet 62% of Briton’s support the monarchy. Should I be able to drone strike them just because I disagree or think it goes against human rights? Where does that line get drawn except in all y’all’s Weird brains of assuming you know what Afghani people want and should get.

  • I’m not saying I’m happy, or that I think they’re objectively happy. They just don’t want anything else or can’t conceptualize anything else. The people of Afghanistan have a way of living that they’re comfortable with since they don’t show much resistance to the status quo. We spent trillions on that country trying to make it “western” and a “democracy” like the US when the reality is that they don’t want that. They also don’t know anything different other than when we brought them “freedom” it meant the sky occasionally rained death and explosions. I don’t have an answer for them, and as history has shown for that region no one has an answer. I just know I don’t want to spend my tax dollars blowing up random people on the other side of the planet because I don’t give a fuck about them and I don’t want them to actively hate me in the future.

  • Why should you give a shit what they do? I’ll hunt down anyone who commits acts of terror against the US, but I don’t give a fuck if these people want to repress their own people. It’s their choice how to live, not mine. One man’s repression is another’s freedom since religion makes people do dumbass things. They’re not worth the cost of a switchblade nor any of the other expensive shit we lobbed at that country for 2 decades. Once we had the guy that coordinated 9/11 we should have pulled out. They don’t want western style “civilization” they’re perfect happy (definitely not all of them) with their value and political system.