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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • You pop in here and ask the community if we would be sad if you left? You’re either phishing for a reason to leave by garnishing negative sentiment, further driving your “parishioners” to WANT defederation, or you are wanting to tarnish Lemmy as a platform, or both. Various sects of Christianity do this manipulative shit all the time. They force their flock to spread the word knowing full well they will face negativity – no one likes to be solicited to – and come crying to the church about their treatment, where the church comforts them and reinforces why only they can provide safety and warmth. It’s cult tactics.

    You don’t want to know if you should defederate from the rest of us, you want to spread doubt in the platform and wall yourselves off to the world that doesn’t conform to your views. You talk about negative aspects of Lemmy without offering any specifics and/or providing solutions to things you find problematic. To me, that’s a red flag for someone wanting attention for a decision they already made. There’s a sarcastic reply to that, I believe it’s “bye Felicia.”

  • Wtf are you talking about? Who said anything about not wanting or trying to change it? But voting third party will do nothing but fuck yourself and the party you’d rather have in power. No one with less than a 7-digit bank account wants to vote for one of two parties. We do what we must today for a chance to do what we want tomorrow. To do otherwise is either disingenuous, uninformed, selfish.

    The US almost dropped the electoral college in the last decade. Back at that time we had a moderately functioning govt, higher taxes on the rich, and less money in politics.

    That’s why I say it won’t change now. It’s even more impossible than the last time we failed to make it happen.

  • The primaries are just a smoke screen. You want to get rid of all the shitty parts of the US voting system? Get rid of the Electoral College. Get rid of the First-Past-the-Post voting system we have been shackled to and all the issues disappear.

    CGP Gray did a great series of videos in YouTube like a decade ago about our voting system, alternatives, and how many issues are created from just the Electoral College alone. Unfortunately, those elected stand to lose the most if the process changed so it never will.

  • Yeah I’m so tired of seeing this, “both sides,” bullshit. One party is openly flirting with fascism, the other is a turd sandwich. It really is a shame, and quite frankly alarming, so many don’t understand what is happening and what is at stake. Even if you hate them, vote for the party that will at least give you the opportunity to vote in future elections.

    First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    There are so many that don’t know the horrors of that war and the brutality of the Nazis. We are doomed if they continue this ignorant rhetoric.

  • As someone who worked at GameStop long ago, when these pre-order bonuses started becoming cancerous, no, no they can’t. The number of people who bitched about them, or how every FIFA game is just the same game with a different roster, yet still bought them and stood outside for midnight releases, was almost an overlapping circle.

    Having integrity/principals requires abstaining, and that’s not how a lot of people think, unfortunately. They voted with their wallets and what they voted for was shit.