I continue to wonder if this is a bug or a feature. With each passing example it seems more & more like the latter?
I continue to wonder if this is a bug or a feature. With each passing example it seems more & more like the latter?
Wow! Just, wow. Such a detailed & complete database of interesting knowledge that I fully appreciate, but will never use. I commend you in the highest form.
& once that occurs there’s literally no hope for them.
At that level buyers & sellers are likely drug agnostic. They buy whatever sells & sell whatever is being bought. Profit margins are likely what’s driving the transition. However, & somewhat to your point, why not both?
But also, & more likely as suggested above, a Norm MacDonald joke. See here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaP2etvDc4
1st it’s Giuliani w/ money problems, now this guy. If ‘actions had consequences’ was this obvious, to everyone, all the time the world would be a much better place. Sadly, these are merely the exceptions.
Now make it legal to remove all profiteering by criminal organizations & you’ve got yourself a winning combination.
I mean, if said item makes it to the banana consumer then I’m OK w/ the plan.
It’s not just them, it’s everyone, just say different times. The moment the world allowed, & even heralded, wealth extraction over wealth creation everyone lost. Well, not everyone, a small number of people won impressively, like generational wealth levels, but we speak of them fondly. We assign labels like entrepreneur & genius to those folk.
Doing the (insert omnipotent being here)'s work! In these situations I always wonder if there’s a page, or something, that I should know about that describes all kinds of format/syntax requirements in 1 place. So, ugh, does that exist?
It’s an illusion, Michael!
It doesn’t, nor would anyone choose to return to that paradigm. It may be forced upon society by a critical mass event. I think the more likely result, say 500 years in the future, is that no form of money exists. Think Star Trek. I just think there’s too many people & not enough work to continue w/ paid labor that allows the idea of money to persist.
Correct. Failure in reality doesn’t generally imply death. Unless, of course, you’re a bank robber. In most other cases it implies learned knowledge that helps your succeed in your current objective. Failing during a job interview, for example, helps you get better at job interviews.
And they would have gotten away w/ it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!
Nah, just YOLO & send it! Fuck around & find out is really entertaining for everyone except those that are impacted. The funny part is that those that are impacted are the same to those that voted. Oh no, wait, it’s sad. I’m sorry for confusing the situation.
Hold the phone… Are you saying there is no bedrock in the Netherlands?
I wish them all the best, together, on a sinking platform w/ no life vests. Leverage one another for an even faster downfall.
It’s the economy, stupid!
Regardless of the number, & % of total, I still don’t understand the point. What does gender identification have to do w/ mass murder?