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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Yeah, for my own sanity I limit how deep I dive into some of this. I don’t think you need to dive super deep though to say the standard for bombing civilian infrastructure is higher than bombing military installations and what Israel has bombed are civilian sreas.

    I get that Hamas is coopting a lot of civic locations like schools and hospitals, but that doesn’t give you carte blanche to raze cities.

    We support Israel is more ways than just military assistance, but even there paying for the Iron Dome just frees up money to spend elsewhere. It’s not like the only effect of our money is building this defensive capacity, it’s all the things enabled by Israel having gotten this infrastructure subsidized.

  • Some of it, yes. Along with training. Either way, the only skin in the game I have regarding what Hamas does is as a human being who condemns terrorism against Israelis and the oppression of Gazans, but I’m not materially supporting it.

    With Israel my money is directly funding their weapons systems. I think it’s reasonable to demand that they not violate the Geneva convention and if they are going to bomb hospitals and refugee camps they at least have reliable evidence gathered beforehand that doing so will achieve military objectives of an appropriate magnitude that warrants it.

  • In my experience, people I interact with personally aren’t citing Hamas propaganda as if it were fact, they give it the appropriate level of skepticism. They don’t do that with IDF press releases or propaganda from the Israeli government so it is worth pointing out that all governments and affiliated news outlets put out biased reporting during war time.

    Also, as a US taxpayer, my money is funding bombs being dropped on Gaza, they didn’t fund Hamas’ improvised rockets. Those were cobbled together using material stolen from the people of Gaza. As a result, I expect honest accountability of how those weapons are used.

  • They’ve been living under an Israeli siege for over a decade and had a mature enough intelligence apparatus to plan a highly coordinated assault while living in a surveillance state… If you don’t think this wasn’t a calculated informed attack you’ve got your head up your ass.

    I’m not condoning indiscriminate killing and rape of civilians and taking hostages, I also don’t condone the inhumane siege of Gaza that has been happening for decades. 50% of Gaza is under 18. That’s not because they’re popping out kids, its because you just don’t survive that long in that kind of environment, those are also deaths. Not graphic ones that make headlines, but lives were still lost. Its incredibly hypocritical to assume Israel’s shit don’t stink in this situation either.

    I’m also queasy when I read the coverage of the recent attacks by Hamas, I also haven’t been living in a police state. Not saying this is the most effective way that they can achieve their objectives, but I can understand how someone growing up seeing violence, sickness and malnutrition for completely preventable reasons dehumanizes the people they see as being the cause of their situation and join or support an organization like Hamas.

  • If you are comfortable with your understanding of the situation and arguing for whichever side you choose to support instead of just refusing to hear anything to the contrary then support whoever you want.

    Just know this isn’t like a sports team where there’s only superficial differences. It’s also ok to say I’m not informed enough to take one side or the other, or maybe only lean one way. You can point to unethical behavior on both sides, but I think it’s not unreasonable for people to hold one side more at blame than the other. Look into the history of the region and the ongoing discussion.

  • I didn’t read all of the articles, but the last one is local folklore. You can find stories about succubi or other framing of women as people who weaponise sex in a lot of cultures, it’s not something unique to local Indian folklore.

    The second to last was basically saying that patriarchal values are encoded into religion and used to enforce a patriarchal hierarchy which is true with every religion that is practiced in a patriarchal society. Also, do not understand how they included Draupadhi’s SA as an example of something pro rape. That whole incident was perpetrated by the story antagonists and is framed as something so bad a god intervened on her behai to protect her.