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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • So what? How are civil servants, paramilitary formations created personally by Putin, and a linear engineer connected?

    If Putin’s logic is mysterious to you, I can easily explain it. If you personally took money from Putin, then obey the commands. Especially if we talk about the military, which has the largest state preferences. Pension at 35 years old. Pensions are 3 times more than standard ones. Any government support, apartments, anything else. Big profits are big risks.

    Politicians literally almost all entered the government through Putin’s party. In this situation, you should not try to run over to the other side, it’s obvious.

    And an ordinary engineer clearly does not fit into this logic.

  • I am always a little amused by the comments of Europeans about Russia as a country of madness and murder. Putin may be a murderer, but he is not a psychopath. Almost 100% is mushroom poisoning. Especially considering how many people in Russia actually pick mushrooms on their own and eat them. On average, about 10,000 Russians are poisoned by mushrooms every year due to the fact that they made a mistake when collecting in the forest. Dies, of course, much less, but the chance is non-zero. I also collect mushrooms in the nearby forest and eat almost all my life. And pickle for the winter too.

    UPD: Considering that insults have began, I’m sorry if I offended someone. I’m just surprised how much people are really afraid of one person. Even he is a dictator. Putin kills a line engineer. What’s next? Eat children? It’s amazing that people write insults to me at all. What if I am also a hidden Putin and tomorrow the door handles will be smeared with a “novichok”? XD

  • Yes yes. The evil Putin has usurped all power alone and is standing up to the entire government like a real Russian. And he probably shot Nemtsov personally.

    In fact, there are many interested forces in the government. People for war, people against war, people who don’t care. Everything is like everywhere else.

    Prigozhin went on his march because Putin tried to legally ban Wagner by transferring all financial flows to the army. Prigozhin received the money and quietly left. probably literally everyone knows this. how fashionable it is to believe in the image of a strong old man is a mystery to me.

  • I think not. the regime is very slow to advance its interests, and you don’t have time to look back, because 7 years have passed, and everyone has served at least a year in a hot spot.

    For example. Mobilization has begun. People were outraged. Everyone was shown on TV how Putin promises that they will not demand more. What we really have: no one has canceled the mobilization on paper. Mobilization orders are coming in, only slowly, so as not to cause unrest. Contractors cannot quit after the contract expires, as mobilization and military operations seem to be continuing. For greater security, they began to send out mobilization orders through state websites, so as not to run after those who are runs away from the military commissariat. And if he did not show up, then he is deprived of his driver’s license and credit rating. But I don’t see any dissatisfaction.

    And so it is everywhere.

  • Well, that’s right. But already now the business is starting to hire women more willingly than men who can conscripted. And just recently, a law was passed that those who could refuse the draft after entering the institute would still serve after the institute. Government introduced new much stricter laws against draft evasion. Look like preparation for the beginning of mobilization.

  • No one would understand what the amount in rubles means here. I suspect that even in dollars it is difficult to understand.

    For example, is it possible to survive in Russia on $ 160 a month? The answer is - if you have a living space in a property or a country house, then yes, although this will make you save a lot on food, and in some cases you will starve a little.

    In general, if you are interested in delving into the topic, there are a lot of social benefits for pensioners in Russia. For example, you can not pay land tax if you live outside the city, do not pay tax for a car, do not pay for public transport and in some cases for train tickets. Medical care is also free, although queues usually line up for several weeks in advance. But almost all of these benefits are provided not by the pension fund, but by other.

    I can’t speak for everyone, but many of my friends pensioners who have suburban plots are engaged in gardening to save on food. In any case, in the western part of Russia, where the climate allows.

    In any case, in numbers, the situation is still exactly like this. My father has not worked officially for half his life and receives a pension of 13,000 rubles. 143$. My mother worked almost all her life at two jobs with a high salary and receives 18,000 rubles. 197$. Almost all pensioners rely on children to provide money or work to death.

    And proof for you:

  • the Russian army has never been well trained. Almost the entire composition of the army below the officers are forcibly conscripted civilians. the number of contractors is ridiculously small.

    the Russian army has never been contracted. And a year of training of a forcibly conscripted person always gives approximately the same result.

    UPD: if we lived in the world of starcraft, Russia would undoubtedly be Zerg. In general, the command and tactics are applied accordingly - a swarm of Zerg. I am generally surprised that conscripts are at least given weapons.

    when I served in the army on universal conscription for 2.5 years of compulsory conscription many, years ago, I fired from a machine gun about 2 times. This is the average level of training of a Russian soldier.

  • that is, 0.6% of the total number of people who can be drafted into the army.

    The current political regime is not particularly concerned about military losses. even if we take into account the 2 million Russians who left, 200,000 people still make up about 1% of the number of conscripts. Even if we assume that half of them will somehow manage to escape from the Ministry of Defense, 15 million people can still be called up into the army.

  • On DNS you need A record if you have ipv4 only or A and AAAA records if you have ipv4 and ipv6.

    You DNS outside you home servers? If you have dynamic IP at home you can’t host DNS on home server.

    You have only 1 IP? You need port forwarding on you home gateway to home servers if you use somerhing like SSH. If you want access to something web based you need proxy. NGINX for example.

    How it exactly work:

    • Somewhere someone write youdomain.com in browser.
    • Browser ask local dns: who is youdomain.com
    • local dns ask another dns, and another and in one iteration request go to you dns. Or maybe some of dns have cached answer. But imagine that not.
    • You dns send answer youdomain.com is 111.222.333.444 for example. That is A record.
    • DNS work stop on that.
    • Browser send request to 111.222.333.444 with HTTP header “Host: youdomain.com” and some path. / or /something maybe.
    • Some balancer should get request and send in to right server in you home network.

    UPD: don’t show to internet something risky interfaces. Proxmox web panel or something like that. This is a real bad idea. For that type of services VPN extremely greatest. Send you DNS to public without protection not a great idea too. Including pihole. I think you will get into some botnet already on the 3rd day of work.

  • Debts forgiven by years:

    • 2005: Syria $9.7 billion , Ethiopia $1.1 billion
    • 2006: Algeria 4.7 billion $
    • 2007: Afghanistan 11.1 billion $
    • 2008: Iraq $12 billion , Libya $4 billion
    • 2010: Afghanistan $891 million, Mongolia $180 million
    • 2012: North Korea 11 billion $
    • 2013: Kyrgyzstan 500 million $
    • 2014: cuba $30 billion
    • 2015: Madagascar 88.9 million $
    • 2016: Mongolia $ 172 million , Uzbekistan $865 million

    etc. Debt forgiven actually happens every year, nothing new.