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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • &TOTSE:

    Q: What is TOTSE all about, anyway?

    A: A lot of people have some weird idea that this web site is a Bad Place, a place for hackers, software pirates, and anarchists. The reason that they think this is that there are informational text files on here about hacking, piracy, and anarchy.
    However, there are also text files on here that discuss politics; democratic, right wing, left wing, libertarian, communist, and everything in between, but this is not a political web site.
    There are files on here that discuss Jesus Christ, Muhammed, Buddha, Crowley, John Smith, and “Bob”, but this is not a religious web site.
    There are files full of short stories, science fiction, humorous articles, and great works of literature, but this is not a literary web site.
    There are files with information on rocketry, radio broadcasting, chemistry, electronics, genetics, and computers, but this is not a technical web site.
    This web site is about INFORMATION. All sorts and all viewpoints. Some of the information you will agree with, some you will find shocking, and some you will probably disagree with violently. That is the whole point. In this society we go to schools where there is one right answer: The Teacher’s. There is one acceptable version of events: The Television’s. There is only one acceptable occupation: The pursuit of money. There is only one political choice to make: The Status Quo.
    On this web site you are expected to make decisions all by yourself. You get to decide who and what to agree with, and why. You get to hear new viewpoints that you may have never heard before. On this web site people exist without age, without skin color, without gender, without clothes, without nationality, without any of the visual cues we usually use to discredit or ignore people who are unlike ourselves. All of these things are stripped away and the ideas themselves are laid bare.
    You will change. You will transform. You will learn. You will disagree.
    You will enjoy it.

    It’s a shame now the modern internet has switched from anonymity to identity politics, from freedom to cancel culture.

  • I think it’s a lot of Americans who don’t understand how it is in other countries, as it’s easier and cheaper in the US (I think some states don’t even have a practical test?).

    Like even in Spain it is common for people to go and do it in a small town as in the main cities the failure rate is awful and you have to wait ~6 months between attempts. It’s not exactly outright bribery, but obviously in the small towns they kinda depend on that.

  • I’d just use https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_value_available.html for an estimate of value / price, and then build a spreadsheet with the same results for good candidate components but the prices in your market.

    For memory, hard drive and power supply just check you meet your requirements and check reviews (and buy an established brand).

    I think the hardest decision right now is deciding between DDR4 and DDR5, as that’ll affect your motherboard options too.

    But there is no universally best option as the prices and availability vary massively by market (and even moreso if you include second-hand too!). Even asking others isn’t that helpful if they aren’t in the same market as you.

    Remember to always buy electrical tape, extra thermal paste and cleaning alcohol too. The anti-static band is worth it if you are somewhere dry / with a lot of static shocks, but most components have better protection these days. And always read the motherboard and case manuals first, so you don’t make it way harder for yourself to connect the front USB ports, etc. later on.