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Cake day: 12 juin 2023

  • Free tier is super limited and super easy to accidentally break out of. I had a single file in S3, but because my logging settings were wrong, I broke the free tier with junk logs.

    The t2 micro ec2 instances are fine, but you need to be very careful about their storage and network egress.

    Best use I’ve had for AWS that has managed to stay within the free limits has been Lambda. Managed to convert a couple self hosted discord bots to a few Lambda functions, works great. Plugging it into CloudFormation and tying up CI/CD with CodePipeline and the like were overkill but good learning exp.

    I don’t think there’s any ECS free tier, but you can fit a private container repository in the free S3 limits as well.

  • Instead of paying for multiple services, I am now renting a decently sized VPS on Scaleway, and hosting all my projects on them.

    That’s not self hosting. That’s moving your managed services down the stack from PaaS to IsaS.

    It’s an unserious take on the impacts as well. No discussion of availability? Backups? Server hardening and general security? Access and authentication models? Sysadmin on aVPS is more than “running a bunch of commands now and then”, and the author ignores that entire workload.

  • Self hosting principals aside, is this data actually important? If so, then don’t fuck around with self hosting it. Are you looking for lowest cost? Then don’t waste a bunch of money spinning your own disks.

    Amazon glacier to guarantee availability and your own encryption to guarantee privacy.

    It’s currently running me about $4/month for around 10tb that I don’t want to lose but just don’t want to deal with. An equivalent HDD solution would be around $500, that’s 10 years to break even assuming zero disk failures and zero personal maintenance time.

    Plus it’s guaranteed. Inherent multiple copies, has SLA, and there’s no worry about the service just disappearing. It’s they decide to shut down or raise prices or whatever, you can reevaluate and move.

    Edit: Glacier and similar services are meant for archival which is the term OP used. You never expect to need it again, but can’t get rid of it. Retrieval cost is mostly irrelevant, but yes much more expensive. (I’d wager still less expensive than a home RAID array.)