Am definitely human.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • The trouble is that, apparently, “perfect UI” can mean “let’s take all the sidebar tabs, remove their text labels and make all their icons really abstract and in the same colour. Oh, and change their order, too, while you’re at it.”

    Thank you from the bottom of my muscle memory and pattern recognition. Now, give us back our the UI that was actually meaningful, or at least make it an option if you insist that your “clean look” is more important than actual usability.

    ^(Apart from that, I love you JetBrains.)

  • Yes, I’ve been on Norwegian Dvorak since 2002 or so.

    Biggest problem I’ve had is with keyboards and OS’es (cough 🍎) that don’t support the Insert key, because (a) I cut my teeth on the DOS editor and (b) XCV are all over the place on this layout.

    I will always use a proper full size keyboard if at all possible. Those 60% and whatnot are not for me (it’s bad enough when they move the arrow keys).

    Oh, and the languages insisting on ${} characters are a pain on any non US layout.

  • So using find was obviously a simplistic example. I know ctrl F is near-universal for a regular find operation, but let’s imagine some other specialised feature of, say, a CAD application. “Find vertex in selected model” perhaps?

    Oddly enough, I just discarded MacOS for a similar reason: yes, ctrl f is for “find” but, unlike on any other platform where ctrl shift f is “find in all files in project”, on MacOS that is cmd shift f. WTAF, there goes my muscle memory out the window. In fact, the “when is it ctrl and when is it cmd” threw me for such a loop that it impacted my performance. Now that I’m back on Linux, the tool disappears and I can just do my job. Ahh.

  • Yeah I’m not talking about launching applications, I’m talking about how to divine that ctrl alt shift § invokes “find in page” or whatever without digging through the gorram tabs of the ribbon.

    It’s so very power-user unfriendly, it would have made SO much more sense if Windows 3 or 95 had started or with those idiotic ribbons for crayon-eating users and THEN evolved into sleek, compact toolbar with hover tooltips hunting at keyboard shortcuts. But no, it was the other way around and I’m like unfathoming Asian head grab meme

  • I heartily commend you for asking, and was happy to see you get a good response.

    “What is the most common distro” is not straightforward to shat because of the breadth of users. Arch is one of the more… esoteric… distributions, it will allow you very, very fine grained control of everything - but it also requires you to be able to make those choices. At the other end of the scale we might find Ubuntu and Mint which are far less customizable* but “just work” out of the box and, as such, are obvious choices for users new to Linux or unwilling to invest in “tinkering”.

    Really, the freedom of choice is overwhelming to many newcomers, and at the same time the strength of the whole system.

    *Any distro is very customizable. You can make nearly the same changes to Ubuntu and Arch, it’s just that Ubuntu is not designed to make that easy for you.

  • I loved win XP, but it’s been steeply down hill since then, to this unbearable toddler ui. So I’m with you on that one. I’ve been on *nix for 20+ years now.

    If you want to do basic window manager things, like press the meta key (also referred to as the winows key on non-macbooks) + direction arrow to have a window snap to a quadrant of your screen, you have to install a 3rd party application with Homebrew.

    you don’t need brew to install a window manager, although the fact that brew lets you treat it like a linux box is great.

    Please tell me more.

    My new job gave me a Mac. First one I’ve used … that has a colour screen, and boy have things (and myself) changed in the interim. I spent the entire first day figuring out what the buttons even do. Am I really expected to use the mouse (well, trackpad) this much? The first port replicator I bought only did one screen, I’m hoping the one now in the mail does better…

  • Hey umm so … homeopathy. There is a case to be made --hear me out here please-- that it might have been effective once, but now we’ve got millions of “practitioners” doing things that clearly do not work.

    The reasoning is obvious.

    The concentration of practitioners within the population is clearly too damn high (insert meme here). To show how effective it can truly be, all we need to do is to dilute the ratio … by a lot.

    Don’t you agree that this is worth looking into?

    (/s in case anyone is in doubt)