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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Is that a sourced quote from Biden or the administration, or are you just making up a quote to get mad at?

    There’s plenty of room to criticize Biden for his actual actions in the Israel-Palestine conflict. No need to make shit up.

    In fact, the only reason I could think to do so would be if you were his political opponent. Like, hypothetically speaking, if I were a conservative on the Internet trying to undermine Biden’s support and also draw attention away from the fact that it’s Republicans in the House doing this, I might (hypothetically) post this article with a purposefully vague headline and a picture of Biden on the Internet. Seems doing something like that would serve GOP goals rather nicely, wouldn’t it?

  • That is a return to their original business model that led to them becoming a global institution.

    Their dining areas were famously uncomfortable, witht he focus on being easy to clean and maintain and discourage people from lingering. The color scheme of red and yellow is purposefully garish, and combine with the lighting to make you want to get your food and get out.

    There used to be a set of slanted warming shelves connecting the kitchen in the back to the area behind the front counter. You’d walk in during peak times and see rows of sandwiches already assembled and wrapped. You’d order your food and the cashier would reach around and gather the food that had been prepared 15-30 minutes ago. If you wanted a burger without onions or mustard or whatever you’d have to stand awkwardly and wait. The drive-thru used to be quick, maybe a couple minutes total.

    I haven’t been to one in a few years so I’m not sure how it’s changed recently, but starting in the 2000’s they changed their business model to try to compete with places like Subway, Panera, Starbucks, Chipotle, etc. They introduced more greys and browns into their colorways. They expanded the menus with a ton more choice: novelty limited-time sandwiches, “healthy” options like salads and fruits, specialty coffees. They moved to making things to-order instead of having things pre-made. Wait times and prices both increased.

    Every other “fast food” place seems to have followed them. The closest replacement I’ve seen is the expansion of gas station/convenience store food. Places like GetGo and Sheetz near me usually don’t have drive-thru’s, but I can quickly walk in and grab a pre-made sandwich for a few bucks and walk out.

    What you are describing almost sounds to me like a modern automat.

  • paultimate14@lemmy.worldtoRisa@startrek.websiteI'm sorry, but it is true
    8 months ago

    This is incredibly true.

    Most of my family just does really dumb stuff with stuffing. Celery? Fucking gross, get that slimy wood out of my food. Putting it in the turkey? Far too soggy. I understand some people want to call it “dressing” instead of “stuffing” if it’s not “stuffed” into the bird, but I don’t care. If you want to get pedantic I’ll just say dressing > stuffing.

    The worst is overseasoned stuffing. Under-sessoned stuffing can be saved by gravy. But I’ve had stuffing that’s way too salty, or just completely overwhelmed with black pepper.

    The boxes stuff? Perfectly acceptable every time. A variety of flavors: traditional is great, but don’t be sleeping on cornbread either.

    I’ve had some pretty good stuffing in restaurants. And I suspect it comes straight from the same factory as the boxed stuff too. I’m sure I could make a slightly better stuffing myself from scratch, but not significantly better enough to merit the increased cost, time, and kitchen resources.

  • For decades, weed’s deleterious health effects were exaggerated, experts said, leading to excessive criminalization

    This line fron the article is exactly why I’m skeptical. I had to sit through tons of middle school and high school programs that lied to me about the physiological effects of marijuana. This article itself opens with an anecdote about one individual, but fails to identify any academic study suggesting physiological addiction because… There is none.

    Psychological addiction is real. There’s a reason that in most places any gambling advertisements have to include a warning and a hotline. The problem is that these sensationalist articles never make the distinction between psychological and physiological addiction. This article mentions when the case study first tried marijuana, but fails to detail the circumstances of her life, her personality, and other factors that can contribute to psychological addiction.

    Add in that the medical marijuana industry is trying to replace the very physiological addictive (and profitable) pain medications… Add that to the years of lies in schools and media… Forgive me for not trusting this BS at all.

  • That’s not quite true: other parts fail more often. I’ve never once had a headphone jack or micro SD card slot on a phone break on me. I’ve had headphone jacks on other devices break, but pretty rarely. On other audio equipment, 1/4" jacks break all the time, but headphones jacks just aren’t subject to that kind of force. I don’t remember anyone I know personally having issues with those things. LED’s are incredibly robust as long as you don’t put too much current through them or invert the polarity. And you wouldn’t want that much current for a mere indicator anyways.

    The part most likely to break is the screen. Next is the battery, which doesn’t break but rather wears. Next is the charging port (depends on the standard, but this is less of a concern recently with USB-C, Lighting, and wireless charging). Next is physical buttons (power, volume, etc). Then you start getting to the point of headphone jacks and micro SD cards. It’s hard to find solid academic research, and a lot of this varies over time and by make and model, but a quick search turns up a bunch of articles from cell phone repair places that back this up.

    Also worth mentioning that the CPU, RAM, and updates, along with the ever-increasing demands of apps a d websites, means phones that were powerhouses 10 years ago are barely able to do anything today even if the hardware is in pristine condition. That’s a whole other problem, and others have pointed out the waste and evils of intent obsolescence. Related to headphone jacks, SD cards, and indicator LED’s: that further invalidates the reliability and longevity arguments because those parts are going to last way longer than the main parts of the phone would anyways.