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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I’m a Linux System Engineer and was the only one in my team that knew Go. I decided to update our mess of old shell scripts for post-provisioning and my boss suggested that I do it in Python so it can easily by edited/fixed by anyone on the team. I spent like two days attempting to do it in Python and then gave up because it would mean transferring a bunch of source code around, installing dependencies and just general annoyances.

    In the end the Go project ended up being about 1300 lines of code across a few source files, but it could act as both the client and server (necessary for our hosts in our DMZ to hit our AWX server) with a single binary and no additional dependencies. It was also only like 10 MB.

  • I’ve straight up ripped code from StackOverflow that worked… But I had no idea why or how it worked 😂 I taught myself Go and I’m decent at it, one of my coworkers was a former professional programmer who knew C and could fumble his way through Go. I later told him I had no idea what some of the code did because I did the old copy and paste and he just said “I knew you did” 😂

  • Bend over and take it. We can vote corrupt people out, but they generally just get replaced by the same people that can be swayed by lobbyists.

    I’m sick right now and went to buy cold medicine… It’s fucking TWENTY DOLLARS for a 12 ounce bottle of Vick’s Cold and Flu medicine here in Miami. Pretty much every other brand was between $15-25. There was a pack of DayQuil that was $6… It had like 5 doses in it and you’re supposed to take it every 4 hours, so like a day’s worth… For $6.

    A few weeks ago I had to buy laxatives and it was the same thing, everything was $17-$40! I almost shit myself when looking at the prices 🤣

  • Nice! I currently live about a 20 minute drive from Miami Beach and that’s fine enough for me. I have an inground pool and sun deck area at my apartment building, so that’s good enough for me! I don’t need to drag shit long distances and it takes me a few minutes to get to, plus no cleanup (unless you count washing off sweat lol)!

    I just googled real quick to see how hot South Florida Beach sand can get and there was an article from this past August (around the time I was down there) that said the beach sand hit 137F!