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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Linux is on a shitton of products nowadays, but often people don’t recognise it as such.

    In terms of the DB - Windows 3.1 story the solution is simple: It’s time. Windows 3.1 is old as fuck and while Linux is one year older in theory it was a hobby project back then and, more important, was not providing any graphical interface back then - which is what the German Bahn used it for - as a graphical interface. While Unix would have been an option these systems were often hardware-vendor specific(AIX for IBM, HP-UX for HP) and the then standard supplier Siemens-Nixdorf did not provide it’s own Os afaik.OS/2 was basically still Microsoft at that point so there was little reason to not use MS.

    The other point are the incredibly long development and usage times of industrial equipment - if you start to design a new high speed train from scratch it can easily take 15 years from start to finish - and the decision which OS you use is one to be done rather early on. And that train will then be used for 30-40 years. The complete IT business will change A LOT during that time. And maybe you bring out a newer model but need it to be backward compatible for some reason. And bam,you use Windows 3.1 in 2030.

    For a matter of fact I know of at least one nuclear plant still being controlled by a Digital Equipment PDP11 and one conventional power plant controlled by a Robotron system.

    Which brings us to the old:“Never change a running system”. If your application works under windows XP and usually these things do after so many years, why do you need a new OS ? Unlike consumer systems these systems are often in a walled garden or not connected at all and there is literally zero reason to change it.

    Nowadays things are different - we have much more outside connections in hardware and linux/Unix is in many more products than people think - I personally would even be fairly sure that it’s in more products than MS nowadays, since they got rid of CE there has been a steep decline in their market share afaik.

  • I think there is a huge amount of people technologically “disadvantaged” enough to install these apps, give them the rights and then find the App “not worth it” but forget to or simply don’t know how to uninstall them.

    Saw it with relatives who had hundreds of unused Apps on their phone (aka managed to fill an Galaxy to the brim with these Apps) and a company I once worked with by accident once pushed an App version of their (legitimate) App that required literally all rights Android could request - more than 40% of all users did give them these rights within a day. (Normally the app didn’t require any rights at all).

  • Never did manage to do that, but was close twice (none of my car would let you drive with a open fuel tank cover).

    First was babybrain. Extended periods of not sleeping more than 1.5h in a row and not more than 4h a day in total because your kid is sick/toothing are doing weird things in your brain.

    The second time was during COVID. I work as a paramedic part time and we did change our shift model to 24h shifts due to so many sick colleagues. Was the second shift “in a row” (24h on, 24h off, 24h on). Well…None of those shifts were 24h, most were 25-26h. Because we got hammered by calls. Literally no downtime, one critical patient after another. When driving home I had to get gas. Forgot to pay (we post pay here), forgot to take the god damn hose out. Nearly cried when the fucking car didn’t start (due to the hose being in).

    So TLDR: Not enough sleep is the answer for me here.

  • Especially frustrating if you are a healthcare professional. It is astonishing how many people give out bad medical advice here,on Reddit, Facebook,etc. with the notion of “well it worked for me”.

    Often it didn’t even work.

    I mean, yes, I know, it is a way for people to recover control after they “lost it” to their body. But at least don’t brag about it on the internet and even more don’t start a fight with someone who clearly has more knowledge due to professional training and years of experience.

    I’ve seen people fight the world leading specialist team on Reddit before…

  • Dude. I just pointed out that these guys are a lesser known part of the conflict that also deserves some attention. That doesn’t change anything about the situation of Palestinians at all.

    But unlike ideological keyboard warriors like you I do actual aid work (and have done so in Palestina) - and, as basically anyone doing so, have experienced the multiple layers the conflict has.

    What you are doing is not helping Palestina one single bit. It does nothing besides turning people away from the Palestinian cause and from Palestinian victims. So either you are a very good Israeli shill or a very bad one for the Palestinian cause.

  • Yeah, came here to ask that,too.

    They are literally the poorest souls in that shitshow (and that does not mean any hostage deserved it, it’s just a race to the bottom)- some underpaid farm hands, just trying to help their families get by, citiziens of a country which has little chance to pressure Hamas much while their death would mean a massive blow to israels economy (because it would lead to most Thais leaving very likely) and a small victory for the Hamas as the Thais are not well viewed upon by Palestinians as the jobs they now have had been done by them. From their point of view, Israel would have been unable to make obtaining work permits for Palestinians so much harder without the Thais willing to do the jobs.

  • They are there to make sure none unauthorised launches the nukes,yes. But there is a chance someone within the military is bought by someone and that adversary doesn’t even have to be the official government of a foreign country.

    To give a few examples(even though the US nuclear policy has changed and it wouldn’t be possible today, thankfully): What if Putin, with his back against the wall, decides to risk it all and by proxy let the US attack China so NATO won’t come after him?

    What if Winnie Pooh faces a revolution and decides in a hitleresque manner that it China is no longer under CCP rule there better is no China and orders a loyal sleeper to attack China so there at least is a chance that he comes out of the bunker irradiated but victorious?

    We all have seen enough crazy shit to not rule out even more crazy shit.

    It was just a bad, lazy, process. nothing more. And I really hope that the US really did change it in the meantime.