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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Same here, I was a super user back in the days, posted multiple posts and dozens of comments every day at the minimum. With the API fiascos I deleted all my posts, all my comments. Fuck reddit.

    I don’t care about toxicity, it’s the same everywhere, you wade through that. Toxic users is a thing, toxic management and platform is a whole other thing.

  • This is why I jumped ship to DuckDuckGo like 4-5 years ago already, never looked back

    Coincidentally, yesterday I was quickly setting up a new computer for some testing whilst talking to somebody about another so I was half distracted. I did a search for some package to install and got absolute unusable crap. I didn’t understand, tried again, tried different search parameters and it just got worse, and then I noticed that, since this was a new computer, the browser was using google.

    I switched to DDG, and first page first hit was what I needed.

    DDG also has been in a steady decline and apparently has been using Bing as it’s back-end now. I’d love to use a self hosted open source browser, or of not that, an open source federated search engine, akin to Lemmy, but I don’t see either coming into existence anytime soon.

  • The difference being that trump is a criminal who BROKE THE FUCKING LAW COUNTLESS TIMES. He committed multiple frauds, this is not an 'if", he did, period. He sexually assaulted at least.one person, proven, likely many more. This is not a question, this happened. He stole too secret documents from the government, refused to return them, his them and gave them away to god knows who. None of this is open for debate. Other people releasing secret government documents are in prison for life, trump is still free, last I checked.

    None of this has to do with politics, his political opponents had nothing to do with this, this is all his own fucking doing.

    Should I talk about January 6th? I recall trump tweets from the days leading up to that, I remember what he wrote, I remember preparing popcorn to watch the mayhem unfold. I remember him egging them on. EVERYONE INVOLVED IS OR IS GOING TO JAIL. Trump is still out there, still free. Nothing of this has to do with political opponents, these people were judged by the US law and jailed for their crimes.

    Nearly all of trumps cronies friends and people who worked for him are or have been jailed for proven crimes. Nothing to do with politics.

    What does trump want to do? He wants to jail his opponents because they are his opponents. Reality check: being a political opponent is NOT a crime, unless you have a dictatorship, which ding ding ding, trump literally said he wants to have. His words, not mine.

    Seriously, I don’t get it, I don’t get your mental gymnastics. You says that trump will jail them because they are criminals, but WHAT CRIMES? If they committed crimes, they’d already be in jail. These trump cronies are in jail because they committed crimes. Commit a crime, you go to jail. Political colors have nothing to do with that. You literally claim “he will find something”, are you kidding? Are you that daft?

    Come on already, stop behaving like a child.