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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I’ve known a lot of math people, and /on average/ I think they’re more capable of programming useful code than the other college graduate groups I’ve spent a lot of time working with (psychology, economics, physics) /on average/.

    That said, the best mathematicians I’ve known were mostly rubbish at real programming, and the best programmers I’ve known have come out of computer engineering or computer science.

    If you need a correct, but otherwise useless implementation, a mathematician is a pretty good bet. If you need performance, readability, documentation, I’d look elsewhere most of the time.

  • I don’t think anyone will actually make it, but it would be cool to have an arrangement of accelerometers and microphones that you can put on the side of a packaged gift, shake it, and get a guess about what it is.

    A harvesting robot that can tell how many days from ripe an avocado is, so the grocery store can have like… “ripe today” avocados, “ripe tomorrow” avocados, “ripe in 2 days” avocados. They’d come in small cardboard boxes, and they could just shift the boxes or signs over by one each day, and have more boxes if they get avocado deliveries less often.

    Machine learning clothing/hairstyle/general fashion advice would be neat, but probably too open to manipulation to sell certain brands to be practical.

    Tools to help developers put houses at the best spot on a lot, for things like water mitigation, tree safety, garden space in good sunlight, wind noise, and privacy.

    Search tools that aren’t terrible on shopping sites, and news sites, and research journals and things. The days of “we asked Google to do it for us” being good enough are long over.

  • I’ve got two pretty radical, but easy to incrementally adapt ideas that would cut some of the most ridiculous waste examples floating out there, and cause a new kind that isn’t nearly such a big problem, but might face political issues (like it did decades ago).

    First: prescribe milspec requirements in terms of functional requirements, not specific materials or technologies, unless absolutely necessary. This is responsible for most of the things like $1000 toilet seats - Home Depot sells a perfectly useful toilet seat for $35, but the order form doesn’t say “We would like 10 perfectly useful toilet seats”, instead it says (I don’t remember the details but) “We would like 10 toilet seats made exactly the way they were in the 1970s, out of 1970s plastic, with a 1970s shape. They must be brand new.” So instead of popping over to Home Depot for a couple hundred bucks, some company has to make weird toilet seats out of weird stuff, and it’s a lot more time consuming and difficult.

    Second, default to firm fixed price contracts for most purposes. T&E contracts might have their place, but with only very slight incentive not to produce bad estimates, contractors are producing really bad estimates. There’s also a huge amount of “Do it the worst way” in some programs, because you make More money by spending more time on tasks, and are directly punished for novel and more efficient work. I worked briefly with a Windows sysadmin paid by the government. He was supposed to set up a connection between a Windows server and a system I was responsible for. I googled how to do my end of the connection, and had it listening in a couple hours. He pulled out printed reference documentation, found the right chapters in the index, and spent 4 days reading before he “could” establish the connection.

    The “problem” with firm fixed price is that if someone discovers a very efficient way to do something, they can make a ton of money. For example, if the army is buying tanks, and the going rate is $20 million, and some contractor comes up with a way to make a tank for $1 million, they’ll bid $19 million, make them for $1 million, and pocket a cool 95% profit. This looks bad, despite everyone being better off. The army gets a cheaper tank, so the taxpayer is out less money, and the inventive company makes a bunch of money. Gradually other companies will work out ways to compete, and the price will fall until profits are less extreme. Politicians will get questions about it, though, so it will probably never happen.

  • In order to collectively own everything, you must have a mechanism to decide the use of the means of production. Some things can be produced, but should not be, and leaving it up to local decision making will produce imbalances, as things that are easier or more fun to produce are produced more often than required.

    You need a central nexus of control, and a person or group of people to be the final arbiter of decisions. Every time it’s been done in history, either the leaders of the revolution, or the people violent and powerful enough to stab them in the back and take control have landed in this position. Mysteriously, a small group of people controlling all production has only ever lead to tyranny.

    Any communism that begins in revolution will devolve into tyranny, and there’s no words a dictionary can string together that will change that. Voluntary communes also seem to have problems, but it’s more often splintering, which is significantly less harmful.

  • The boot you feel is the biological reality that we all need to eat (and more than just eat), and almost all of us need someone else to grow/raise/ sometimes prepare that food (and more than just food) for us. Supermarkets operate on extremely thin margins, and so do most farms, and so too most food factories. Most of them would go out of business if they cut prices by 5%.

    People stealing from supermarkets cost the other shoppers around them, either through raised prices, or closed stores, if it’s bad enough. This is a major reason for the “food desert” phenomena, and why wealthy areas typically have cheaper groceries.