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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • My workplace which now uses scaled agile used to be waterfall. We have an enormous system to take care of and there’s loads of specialised knowledge, so we were pretty well siloed

    So obviously when the sales people sold agile to the organisation they also sold the idea that a programmer is a programmer, designer a designer, tester a tester; no need for specialists, so in 2015 they spun up 50-odd agile teams in about six trains, one for each major system (where the used to be seven silos in one of those systems) grabbed one senior designer and programmer from each major project to put in an “expert” team

    And told the rest of us we were working on the whole of our giant system. Where we had trouble understanding how part of it worked, we could talk to one of the experts

    Now nine years later those experts have mostly retired, we have lost so much institutional knowledge and if someone runs into a wall you need to hope that someone wrote a knowledge transfer document or a wiki for that bit of the system

  • 30% of jobs are going if self driving is achieved. Low pay jobs are here to stay for a while as they’re too expensive to automate. The current LLM stuff seems to obsolete low productivity people but still need the skilled writers or programmers to come up with new stuff or do the correct detail work the LLM sucks at.

    Some management is going to royally screw up by firing junior programmers since the senior programmers can get all the work done with the help of copilot

    But they’ll forget that they will in future need new senior programmers to herd the LLMs

  • I take it you missed the recent fourth integrated flight test, in which the ship soft landed on the ocean near Australia as planned and the booster soft landed on the ocean near the launch site as planned

    Their failure in that flight was expected. They hoped thermal tiles sealing the hinge for the aerodynamic surfaces would seal those against plasma during reentry. They didn’t. Had they, it would have been much cheaper than sealing those more thoroughly. The ship landed regardless of that failure

    Disliking Musk is fair, but SpaceX is doing good stuff

  • Actual real world right now giant rockets include

    • One that is being built under waterfall methodology. It has been being built for several years. That’s the Blue Origin New Glen heavy lift reusable rocket

    • One that is being developed under an agile methodology, it flew as a subscale lander to test their engine and flight control, it has flown four full test flights, improving on each. That’s SpaceX’s Starship

    We are yet to see either launch a payload to orbit

  • On the other hand the calendar is always the same, years always start on a Monday, months start on a Monday

    You could have a permanent calendar, except that religious holidays and astronomical events (solstices, equinoxes, best day for planting tulips) would move around

    My birthday would vanish as it’s towards the end of one of the middle months; my mother’s birthday would only happen in leap years as it’s late in the last month

    Birthdays on the new calendar would always fall on the same week day (though people born under the old calendar could celebrate on the day that it would be had the old calendar continued, or choose the same day number and month, or choose the corresponding day in the first year (or whatever) of the new calendar and stick to that month and day number)

  • I have been a scrum master for a couple of years. If you can facilitate, teach some scrum basics, and have some ability to get good work from people it’s the easiest job there is

    Unfortunately my “train” downsized and my team was dissolved (the team was 80% contract staff in a government IT area, and we had to lose all the contract people) and I’ve been moved to a product owner role

    PO isn’t going to be nearly as easy, but it has a good chance of being more fun

  • Maybe. If they can identify which record was the last one changed and the last one changed its directly related to the one that made the change and the ended transaction statement successfully posted a transaction

    If the SQL injection crashed that person’s transaction there’s little chance of finding the culprit

  • China uses a single timezone where similar width countries use three or more. So some parts start the day at 8am, others start at 10am

    If we used a single timezone in the west it would be UTC which is practically on the other side of the world to me - I’m in +11 now, +10 when we go back to standard time in a week. That would make it reasonably easy here, the clock would be out by near enough to 12 hours (if you prefer light in the evening) that you’d be fine on a 12 hour clock just inverting am and pm