Paper bags are worse, except maybe for microplastics. But they take more resources to create, and aren’t as recyclable as good plastic bags. You can use a canvas bag, but that takes even more resources to create. So you have to use the same canvas bag for years
Sweden is a monarchy, they have a king, not a president. But in this case it seems to be the prime minister
I’ve read some old DOS manual. And several Linux books back from the days when Linux came on CDs alongside books.
There are different kinds of documentation
Minimum, but it still doesn’t get below 23C in the winter
Everyone has a (changing) tattoo on their forehead telling how many deaths are caused by their overconsumption of the planet’s resources.
All environmental externalities are included in all prices. Also currency is manipulated to prevent overconsuming the planet’s resources
Extensible events and RBAC sound interesting, but they’re 1.9
syntax error (the colon after print)
Never say never. I used to be on macOS
“Piracy can’t be stealing if paying for it isn’t owning”
Tips are a way for service industry workers to avoid taxes. I wonder if there’s any reliable statistics on how many workers in the service industry report their tips accurately to the IRS
Run it on some free or cheap cloud instance
Element is running out of money. I think they would keep the old license if other commercial matrix-based projects would contribute developers or money.