…just this guy, you know.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2023


  • this is really, really interesting. thank you for this.

    instance reach and relationships are pretty wild and I can see this helping people to mix up their communities between instances.

    the tight groupings of some instance communities might be source of pride or distress, depending.

    would be nice to select a community and query its n closest overlap neighbors or all neighbors within a certain distance.

    very cool project.

  • the past 8 years has realigned my view of the american electorate. policy and leadership are now inseparable from politics and politicians. public exposure to anything non-culture war related is pretty carefully managed and curated.

    so I say “scaramucchi is an asshole but for 30 seconds he’s our asshole” and, as a known quantity, can be jettisoned pretty painlesslely.

    and my reasoning… apparently there is limited downside and some upside to this stupid, juvenile “owning” your opponent bs. it sucks the oxygen out of any gathering where the IQ is sub-room temperature - and the irony of a little political asphyxiation for trump is quite delicious.

    we need to continue skating to where the puck will be and I don’t see the current electorate changing trajectory until after the 2026 mid-terms at the earliest.

    edit: ok, I enjoy a good juvenile roast as well, but would like some policy with my persnickety, please.

  • its only Tuesday… let me be all hand wavey, damnit! but here goes…

    tl;dr - a few specifics. lots of nebulous warm and fuzzies. leaves everyone to fill in blanks. we went through this recently with obama - and I don’t like it.

    Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families

    • reasonable section with at least one defined commitment
    • “…no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in taxes” - detailed proposal link?

    Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable

    • “…comprehensive plan to build three million more rental units and homes” - proposal link?
    • “…first-time homebuyers with up to $25,000 to help with their down payments, with more generous support for first-generation homeowners” - how… executive order? legislation? we have seen how difficult the student loan fight is. detailed proposal link?

    Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs

    • reasonable section with at least one defined commitment
    • “expand the startup expense tax deduction for new businesses from $5,000 to $50,000” - detailed proposal link?

    Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs

    • this section was a complete throwaway for me - no defined / specific goals.

    Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care

    • reasonable section with multiple defined commitments
    • “…expanding and strengthening the Affordable Health Care Act” - with resistant state governors? future federal carrots and sticks? what are they? give me one thing I can shut down my Republican uncle with at thanksgiving

    Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare

    • did my browser not render all of the text?!
    • *sigh*

    Support American Innovation and Workers

    • first half touting biden-harris accomplishments - ok, fair.
    • specific legislation named - 👍
    • “…fight to raise the minimum wage, end sub-minimum wages for tipped workers” - this one is pretty important (micro, macro, all-ro), where are the $ amounts?

    Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education

    • 70% of this is retrospective - ok, fair, but…
    • every forward looking statement is nebulous.

    Invest in Affordable Child Care and Long Term Care

    • mentioned american rescue plan - 👍
    • browser must not have rendered all of the text again, because… you know, nothing.

    Lower Energy Costs and Tackle the Climate Crisis

    • no actual commitment made at all
    • “…record energy production” - this is the slickness I am talking about… via fossil or renewable? whats the mix? cant pin me down!

    running out of time and space, but hopefully that gives you the gist of what I thought while reading.

    edit: typos. formatting.

  • yeah - agreed. thats why I am not the target audience. I want a little more wonkery in there (even if as just links in the text body) so I am probably an outlier.

    as long as people agree that my initial read is a reasnable one (slick, with attractive shapes and edges) then its all good.

    I have to say, it seems like the kamala-walz campaign has been near flawless on messaging so far and it feels like a facsimile of the Obama energy, not the same, but damn if it is not familiar.

    I think the timing of this also also near perfect - close enough to the election for a sustained honeymoon and far enough away to effectively build brand and messaging. if kamala does.well in the debate, I really think the visible vote (polling data) continues to move to kamala.

  • couple of points.

    1. I hit the site on mobile with the usual browser shields up and everything on the linked page worked with zero effort
    2. lite on detail

    lovely that the site is likely to work for the lowest common denominator modern browser - I mean seriouly that could scare up a few hundred distracted voter ballots in a tight race.

    I am not the target audience for this platform presentation, but it was clean, with tight easily digestible copy and smooth delivery. if I were an “undecided” but turned off by “those two wierd dudes”, I could possibly see myself clicking with this.

    so policy sparse, likable generic democrat it is - reasonable angle for her to take because I think she can actually ride the feelz into the whitehouse.

    however, everyone disgusted by the last 44 years* of world history better have their hopium / copium handy.

    * time began when ronnie squelched his way into the WH

  • “However, if there are dark matter self-interactions, what happens is this energy is redistributed between the particles in the central region of the galaxy so that the dark matter is not dispersed away,” Alonso-Álvarez added. “This is crucial.”

    but “more black holes” does not seem to account for the way black hole mergers actually take place.

    the hypothesis is that dark matter gravity and dark matter self interaction facilitate the “viscous-fluid” energy loss to spiral the black hole objects into a merger.

    true? no clue. but we keep seeing effects of “dark matter” that are not easily explained by anything we are currently understand.

  • I am shocked this had not (yet) been downvoted into oblivion like so many other posts clearly pointing out the obvious path we are on.

    anyone blinding cheering this farce on is as complicit as the actual fascists.

    no, I don’t have any answers. decades of slow corruption of anything approximating democratic rule have brought us to this point and don’t see a sane path forward.

  • exactly. I have been begging multiple ISPs for direct IPv6 allocations for 10+ years now. its always “we are internally testing - not available for distribution yet”. the most recent request from me was less than 3 months ago when I needed a IPv4 /29 for a remote site. figured I would see if I could also get a nice sized IPv6 allocation as well. nope. just gotta keep paying a premium for that dwindling IPv4 address space.

    Hurricane Electric is to be commended for their public IPv6 tunnels, but without direct allocations from your immediate upstream, its just play.