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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024

  • Depending on what your question is asking, search around for Steve Forbes Flat Tax or Ross Perot Flat Tax.

    I may have this wrong, but I recall Steve Forbes was proposing to decomplicste the IRS tax codes and implement a flat IRS income tax. In other words, remove the tax brackets and have everyone pay a fixed percent regardless of income.

    Similarly, I recall Ross Perot propose that the US remove income tax completely and instead charge a flat tax on purchases (sales tax). If memory serves, it was 13% (inn, addition to state and local sales taxes).

    In my uneducated opinion, both of these seem like good ideas at first. Who wouldn’t want a simpler tax code? Upon deeper inspection, I feel like both plans would favor wealthy Americans more than “the average Joe”. As said in other posts here, the wealthy report having less income through deductions and other financial wizardry and the unrich spend a greater percentage of their income on day to day expenses.

  • This is a good start to explain it. Many of the posts here are also neglecting that the air around the earth is also moving along with the earth, but often at a different speed. It is not fixed in space.

    For example, if you’ve ever paddled a canoe across a flowing river, you’ll either end up not across from the point you left from or you’ve steered the canoe as if you were intending to land upstream. This is because the water is pushing the canoe downstream.

    Also, the comments (as if the time of this post) are all neglecting the point of reference.

    An analogy on point of reference would be if you’re on a train, sitting at a table facing the rear of the train and the train is moving in the forward direction at a constant speed on a plain, if you drop an orange on the floor of the train, will it immediately roll to the back of the train?

    In airplanes there is often a big difference between land speed and air speed. That is (one of the reasons) why the return trip is not the same duration when you travel in the east-west (or west-east) direction. The airplane is pushing against the airaround it whereas a car is pushing against the ground (Earth).