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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • when it wasn’t actively sexually harrassing T’pol

    I never understood that need. T’pol was already fiercely exotic, what with her flawless face and remote Vulcan disdain. They could have put her into a spacesuit for the entire series and she would have still been attractive AF purely due to her personality and strength of character. About the only improvement I would have liked to see is more of her character arc being in conflict with her Vulcan upbringing, particularly in trying to deal with those infuriatingly irrational humans, and her emotional entanglement with Trip.

  • Get back to me when an EV is released that doesn’t require an Electrical Engineering degree to do any work on it, doesn’t require $1M+ in manufacturer’s diagnostic hardware for every tiny issue, doesn’t have DRM that locks the vehicle down after any manufacturer-unapproved work, and which doesn’t upload gigabytes of my driving metrics for the manufacturer to monetize without my permission or knowledge.

    About the only chance I currently have for any of this is to convert a classic car.

  • If you are looking for Bar, it is highly likely that you are already looking specifically for a particular functionality - say, the action - for Bar. As such, it is irrelevant which method you use, both will get you to the function you need.

    Conversely, while it is likely you will want to look up all items that implement a particular functionality, it is much less likely you are going to ever need a complete listing of all functionality that an item employs; you will be targeting only one functionality for that item and will have that one functionality as the primary and concrete focus. Ergo, functionality comes first, followed by what item has that functionality.

  • Most everyone will still “work”, but the nature of work will likely be radically altered in any truly post-scarcity society.

    Essentially, since “income” and “wealth” will not exist in a post-scarcity society, people will gravitate to those things that need doing, but which cannot be easily automated. So there will still be people doing “menial jobs”, but only because they get gratification out of completing that job.

    Of course, having a post-scarcity society also requires people to reach adulthood without any mental illnesses such as greed and avarice and sociopathies, which then allows us to revamp society into a more collaborative and socialistic structure where people are actively shamed by only taking and not giving back, which is how most any capitalist operates.

    Essentially, post-scarcity societies can only exist in the complete absence of capitalism, because capitalism requires scarcity in order to function, and will always artificially generate scarcity where none exists. This is why so much food is wasted and destroyed in our current system - over 80% of food wastage is not done by consumers, but by distributors and sellers, in order to prop up prices and profit margins.

    TL;DR, we need to utterly eviscerate and eliminate wetiko from our civilization if we are to ever achieve equality, equity, and post-scarcity. Greed and avarice of any kind must become the worst possible insults to apply to others in this world.

  • A strangely effective option for young whippersnappers who want to maximize employability and income stream in “boring” tech. You’re not gonna be standing up many greenfield projects using that language - and likely speaking, you might go an entire career without ever touching a codebase younger than you are - but if your passions run towards Janitorial/Plumbing work with regards to code, it might be right up your alley.

  • DotNet is closest to Java, but hang on to your hat: the state of C# is at least half a decade ahead of Java, if not a full decade. It’s sophistication will make Java use feel like banging rocks together. DotNet Core can now run on all three primary platforms, and with some careful work, you can write a single program that can compile down to each platform and carry along its own required binaries, no pre-install of any framework needed.

    My second recommendation would be Rust. Stupidly steep learning curve, but an absolutely game-changing one where safety and security is concerned. It’s my next objective, personally speaking.

    Any other language I could recommend starts getting into speciality purposes, which makes general use more difficult or even wholly inappropriate.

    For example, if you are dropping into DotNet for business applications, I would also recommend diving into F# for that functional goodness for building complex business rules and data handling. But building an entire app in F# can be jamming a round peg into a square hole under many circumstances, it’s appropriateness envelope does not cover as many cases as C# does. You want to use C# for boilerplate/frameworks, F# for the core bits where it is going to shine.

  • If you have a metal cut-off saw, and you only like your chair at or consistently above a specific height, you can force this minimum height despite that stupid hydraulic cylinder. This technique also helps once that cylinder breaks down after 12-24 months and you get this constant sinking feeling that puts your knees up under your chin within 15 minutes of any height adjustment.

    Measure the outer diameter of the largest part of your chair’s central shaft. Measure the perfect minimum height between the bottom of the chair (where the shaft emerges) and where the shaft ends down at the rollers. For example, if you always like your chair at max height, put it there (without sitting in it) and then measure that distance.

    Go to your hardware store and find a piece of metal pipe, min. ½mm in thickness, ideally steel. Copper might be too soft (go at least 1mm), iron piping might be too brittle.

    This pipe will have to have an inner diameter slightly larger than the shaft, and be at least as long as the ideal height distance you measured.

    If you get a pre-made piece of pipe (sink drain downspout, for example) that is longer than what you need, you will need that metal cut-off saw to tailor that length to the correct amount.

    Take the shaft of the chair apart. The vast majority of chairs literally just sit on that hydraulic cylinder, they don’t even click into a locked-in position much less have any fasteners. Although if you have been using it for a while you may need a rubber mallet to convince the seat to separate from that hydraulic cylinder.

    Put your metal pipe over the shaft, put the seat back onto the gas cylinder.

    Ergo, you now have a height-defined chair that won’t descend beyond a defined point. You still need the cylinder to connect the chair to the bottom half, but that hydraulic cylinder could be completely dead (with a max height pipe), and it wouldn’t matter one bit.

  • Your view of the political spectrum is heavily skewed to the left if you think Obama was center-right.

    That would include most of Europe and every other fully democratic country, then.

    America is nearly entirely right-wing with its political system. Pretty much no-one is “on the left” as you would see in other countries, because in America they would be politically un-electable as “filthy communists” despite being only moderately on the left.

  • America, in particular, doesn’t exactly have an alternative.

    To wit,

    “Americans are served by three political groups, but are represented by only two political parties.

    “The alt-right have a party all to themselves, while the centre-left share a party with the centre-right such that they cannot effectively function.”

    You take a look at any president since the Carter administration, and they have all been right of centre. Obama was solidly centre-right. Biden is on the threshold of being fully right-wing.

    About the only people who sit anywhere to the left are people like Bernie Sanders and AOC, and in most other countries they would be considered solid centrists and milquetoast moderates. They are not extreme-left in the least.

    America has no left-wing politicians, much less any on the far left.

    But on the far right? pretty much the entire GOP is sitting there with their asses hanging off the fascist end of the political horseshoe.