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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • The only way to sustain an economy indefinitely is through equal trade of goods and services. Jim the carpenter fixes John the farmers roof, and John gives Jim food.

    Any form of economy built on profit will crash. We do not have unlimited money or resources. We can substitute some services for money (as we clearly do,) but it’s the for profit part that destroys everything.

    This is vastly oversimplifying things, but at the root of the matter, there’s only so many M&Ms in the bowl, and people getting greedy are taking the candy from people who haven’t even reached the bowl yet. Then those people with a surplus are trading their M&Ms for Skittles and marking them up for everyone else

  • I have had COVID at least 3 times (I’m an advocate masks, but I live where masks are not a pop6choice,) and I swear my brain function has plummeted since my first infection. I feel so dumb at times because my memory has went to shit, I can’t think of simple words, comprehend simple questions or solve simple problems. It’s like having writers block but it affects all my thinking abilities.

    My dad is anti-mask and his mental function has suffered greatly. During his first infection, he would ask the same question multiple times in a single conversation, and although he’s better now, he’s not the same as he was.

    My symptoms during consequent infections after the first were not bad, in fact I wouldn’t have guessed I was sick at all the 2nd or 3rd time, so I have no idea if I’ve had it more…

  • From personal experience, aggression is not always a controlled action. I’m a lot better than I used to be, but I have injured myself over things that tipped me over mentally. These reactions were not at all calculated.

    Again from experience, I personally agree that programs do little to reduce violent tendencies. For me, it was medication.

    I have ASD, and a whole bunch of other things under the personality disorder umbrella. The key is I am aware of my shortfalls and found the solution which works for me.

    I have never faked my anger and often hide it. In the past, I would explode. Never on anyone, just myself. Or walls now, I still hide it, but because of my medication I do get to control how I react, which is usually to just go somewhere else, and if I can’t do that, I go away into my thoughts