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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • It’s like getting into a car you haven’t driven before and you hit the wipers instead of the indicator ×1000. Or playing an FPS and E is now F, C is now Ctrl, X is Shift, and you tap+hold instead of tap. WHY?!?! You can remap, but suddenly there’s conflicting keys for shit the tutorial hasn’t even introduced to you yet, so you don’t know what you can or can’t get away with.

    Some designer or dev has a personal opinion they think is better than everything else and now we all gotta live with it on the hopes that’ll be the new standard. And there’s so many of those arseholes and their DVORAK layouts and putting “Cancel” on the left and “Confirm” on the right of a dialogue popup. “I think it’s better this way and the world will thank my big brain!”

    YES I’m ranting, lol.

  • To clarify, the comment I replied was modified. It initially mentioned that almost all male/female differences are cultural. It was modified to refer to gender. I’ll leave my comment unedited because of the discussion below.

    See how your comments have little pencil icons in the top-right and mine does not?

    You also glossed over the words “almost everything” which initially I thought were unnecessary for obvious reasons, but thought I better add just in case some idiot comes along and starts hurdy-during.

    Frankly, I’m inpressed. I didn’t anticipate someone to be so full of shit, clearly. You win purely on brazen effort. I don’t know what the prize is, but I don’t want it.