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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • So you don’t find it questionable that this happened a week ago yet the most they’ve found is a couple hundred gallons?

    And all these sites that claim a million, in their headlines, all say lower in their stories that there is no actual measurement and that it is only potentially?

    I feel it undermines the issue when people are dishonest. I consider these headlines to be dishonest.

    I regret engaging that one idiot that claims dispersants were used by BP to submerge the oil so people can’t see it.

    That’s the kind of disinformation and dishonesty that makes it so difficult to have real outcomes. All the noise drowns out the signal.

  • You are just another internet activist that has a very vague understanding of how shit works in real life and virtue signal for upvotes.

    You could have said something like, “I will never forget the environmental catastrophe that BP caused.” and I would have upvoted and moved on.

    But you spoke like you knew what the hell you were talking about and someone else is going to read it and be like, “Yeah, they submerged the oil, fuck BP!” and your little rant just added to the useless noise that drowns out real facts.

    You are NOT helping.

    Misinformation hurts, no matter why you do it.

    Just go back to reddit if all you want is upvotes.

  • Nice cherry picking.

    Here, let me provide link, from the EPA:


    “Dispersants can be applied on surface oil or below the surface, closer to an uncontrolled release of crude oil from a well blowout source. In an oil spill, these smaller oil droplets disperse into the water column where they are transported by currents and subjected to other natural processes such as dissolution and biodegradation.”

    There are plenty of arguments against the use of dispersants, not the least of which is the toxicity of the dispersant itself. However there is a strong argument that supports it as the lesser of two evils.

    People should have gone to jail over the BP spill. So many flagrant safety violations and illegal behavior were identified.

    But you’ll never forget the “submerging of the oil”.

    If you are going to virtue signal, at least base it off a real issue.

  • That reporter/editor should be fined or charged with this blatant bullshit.

    “The U S. Coast Guard said Monday that an estimated 1.1 million gallons of crude oil has leaked into the Gulf…” and linked the actual press release in that line.

    When you actually read the press release, and then lower in the article, it says the amount is actually unknown.

    They know how much oil the pipeline holds, which would be around that estimate. It could only be a couple hundred gallons that have actually leaked.

    Also they are not even sure where the leak is, so it might not even be the named company’s fault.

    Yeah oil industry sucks, but this sounds like a fat nothing burger that CBS is pumping for clicks. No wonder no one trusts the media.

    (This is a reposted comment from when this bullshit article was posted earlier)

    The OP of this repost didn’t even have the decency to share the qualifications from inside the article.

    They are just as terrible of an attention seeking whore as the writer of the article.