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I also run the hobby and nerd interest website scratch-that.org.

  • 151 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I have never found browbeating people into enjoying something that they don’t to be a successful strategy.

    Discussions about why you enjoy something are more successful and simply more positive than trying to ‘gotcha’ people by clawing at them for enjoying/not enjoying something.

    There is nothing wrong, and nothing that makes someone a lesser or greater fan about liking or disliking certain parts of a franchise.

    I do not like discussions made wholly for the purpose of fan infighting.

  • My first thought is very surface level that I want to see a live action adaption of the Tales Of The Bounty Hunters book. It’s a perfect opportunity to get a variety of directors and to lets each segment really push into different genres. The IG-88 story always stuck with me personally because it has so much going on. IG-88(series) is created as a shady off the books project, which goes wrong for the creators. It’s like a horror movie section with a terminator coming to life. Then it becomes a kind of strange scifi conspiracy with the IG-88s taking over a robot production planet while keeping up appearances. Simultaneously it incorporates bounty hunting and brings in Boba Fett in his classic cold blooded EU incarnation. It’s just fantastic. And much as I gush, the other stories in the book are all interesting in their own ways as well.

    After that, since Star Wars is heavily “WW2 in space”, I’d like to see some kind of submarine warfare analog. Perhaps it makes more sense to put the rebels in the shoes of a wolfpack hunting down Imperial supply convoys, and evading their counter measures with wit and luck. Think of all the tense submarine movie cliches and port them into a Star Wars setting. I think it clicks.

    These ideas fall short of high concept, high minded examination of deeper things, but they come to mind for me when I think of what I’d be gripped by in Star Wars live action. I’m sure there is a lot more examination that could complement these ideas and fill them out to be more substantial.

  • Oh no. I can’t think of any small knives showing up in the original trilogy (there were spears, axes, and other melee weapons though), but I don’t think that was out of any kind of ban.

    In a lot of legends material, there are knifes being used. In the Thrawn books, which are some of the establishing EU, an officer under Thrawn has his throat slit in front of the crew. Visual depictions of knives, especially vibroblades could be found in games like Knights Of The Old Republic, and Republic Commando.

  • This is a mistake that has apparently just been discovered this month, so answers are thin.

    Here is the only decent one I could find:

    “What appears to have happened here,” u/itsjustmonty_ reports, “is that the camera traveled slightly too far and somehow no one noticed while cropping the footage.” They include a string of uncompressed shots from the Blu-ray and a wild behind-the-scenes clip that shows a crew member off in the distance while filming the shot roughly 10 seconds in. In other posts, they reiterate that this was not their original discovery and they are simply reposting on Reddit to shed light on something that bubbled up from other corners of Star Wars fandom.

    Regarding the real-life identity of Anakin’s overlooker, an early suggestion was that it could be Nash Edgerton, Ewan McGregor’s stunt double.
