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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • My wife watches true crime bullshit all the time. It’s stunning how every one of the defendants incriminate themselves. They think they’re smarter than the cops and have a solid story.

    Y’all, cops are expert level at getting you to talk. There is no option but to stone face them out. “I don’t answer questions and I want a lawyer.” Never say any other words besides these. (OK, “Am I being detained?” is fair game.)

    Just STFU, there is no world in which you’re going to outwit people whose very job is interrogation.

    Having said all that, these cops should have the hammer dropped on them. Fired, no LEO future anywhere, sued into bankruptcy and thrown in jail. And that might satisfy me.

  • First time, I was drowning. Like a Bugs Bunny cartoon, sinking straight down with my hand in the air, 3 times. Never happened before or since.

    Second time, I was frying on an electric pole. Grabbed a guy wire, that shouldn’t have been electrified, support only, but it was. Rocked and screamed like a schizophrenic.

    Third time, the toughest guy I’ve ever known was quite intent on torturing me to death. Seems there was a misunderstanding about a neighbor getting busted for drugs.

    Got out by:

    Chilled. Remember my childhood lessons on floating. Go my lips above water, got a sip of air. Kept doing that till I could float. LOL, and my friend was a certified lifeguard and only 40’ away! Damn her.

    Couldn’t move from the waist up, locked on that wire. Realized I could still control my legs. Pushed off on the telephone phone till I broke loose. (Scared of heights, then and now, didn’t care.)Landed in a rotten bush, surrounded by chicken wire stakes, bumped my ass. I was shaking for 20-minutes. Finished the internet install.

    Kinda blotted the third one out. If I had panicked or acted scared, I have no doubt he would have… begun. I chilled and calmly explained, while this giant is sitting on my chest, that I had zero motive to narc. Kept it simple and factual, kept calm. Got let go.

  • I have a take on the cosmetologist thing! Sounds silly for a hair cutting job, doesn’t it?

    Dated a woman who trained cosmetologists at the local college. Gods she was educated.

    Thinking out loud one night I said, “Ugh. What’s it called when a chemical reaction… uh… opposite of exothermic?”


    “How the hell you know that?!”

    Turns out when you fuck with people’s bodies, you have to know some shit. Forgot the topic, but I had asked her how she knew another odd thing.

    “Because old people may have nails (whatever, I forgot), and you have to recognize that as a sign of (whatever, I forgot). You cannot use $chemical on them.”

    Anyway, off topic, but there are reasons cosmetologists are trained and certified. They’re certainly more educated than most cops.

  • LiberalGunNut™ here! You do NOT fire a weapon, yes, say weapon with me kids, unless you have a clear target and are clearly in danger. Neither criteria was met here.

    I’ve heard some funky shit in my kitchen and in the woods. LOL, threw down on the neighbor’s wolf-hybrid who wandered in one night. That fucker is silent. 🐺 “BRO! You do NOT go into people’s homes at 1AM! Go home! GIT!” First night at my camp I heard what I thought were coyotes, took a single-shot .410 and went to run them off. Nah. Barred owls trying to hook up. (Cut me some slack, their call and response is creepy.)

    We can make up edge cases all night. If someone goes through the trouble of crawling in our dog door and trying to enter our locked bedroom at 3AM… Know what? Nah. I’d be scared shitless and have a .45 in the center of that door frame, but I’m probably not shooting blind. Depends on the kind of noises that mammal is making. Snuffling and such? Bear or wolf or dumb dog. Again. 🙄 Cussing or whispering? Yeah, that’s a human who went to great lengths to invade our home. And it ain’t going to be a friend or neighbor pranking me. They know better.

    I’m not ex-military, but I understand that discharging your weapon is a big fucking deal and must be explained in excruciating detail, on paper, reviewed ad nauseum, with your ass on the line? Like court martial on-the-line? Too much to ask of civilian cops? If they don’t want to call themselves civilians and want to play military, same rules?

    tl;dr: We’re not all nuts, but ACAB.

  • I know this is a liberal space, so I see a lot of ignorance regarding guns and laws. LiberalGunNut™ with thoughts:

    The meat of their argument:

    Mexico claims that U.S. gun-makers engaged in “deliberate efforts to create and maintain an illegal market for their weapons in Mexico.”

    That, uh, sounds hard to prove as factual.

    …the manufacturers intentionally design their weapons to be attractive to criminal organizations in Mexico by including features such as easy conversion to fully automatic fire, compatibility with high-capacity magazines and removable serial numbers… easy conversion to fully automatic fire, compatibility with high-capacity magazines…

    Guns are not designed this way. Guns are mechanical devices, they can be hardware hacked. And the hacks are often stupid. The Aurora shooter had to drop his AR-15 right off because his tacticool mag jammed. No one who knows guns will touch the stupid things. Because they weren’t designed to work.

    removable serial numbers

    WTF are they talking about?! I have a shitload of various gun types, none have “removeable” serials. Unless you “remove” them with a power drill and/or file. Hardware hacking.

    …manufacturers distribute their products to dealers whom they know serve as transit points for illegal gunrunning through illegal straw sales, unlicensed sales at gun shows and online, and off-book sales disguised as inventory theft.

    LOL, hell to the no. This is like accusing Big Pharma of selling to street corner dealers. Doesn’t even pass a logical sniff test.

    Gun dealers are wildly strict with paperwork. Know why? Intense government scrutiny and federal penalties for fucking around. Penalties as in, “pound me in the ass prison” penalties. If you don’t believe this, go get your Federal Firearms License. Maybe you’ll qualify? An FFL doesn’t even make you a dealer, merely someone who can do the paperwork to transfer the gun from buyer to seller.

    Straw sales? I doubt that happens much. If it did, the media would, rightfully, be screaming every time they caught a case. Besides, it’s damned near impossible to prove intent. I bought a pistol for my wife for Christmas. Straw sale? No, a gift. But what if she was a “prohibited person” and I didn’t know? (She’s not American so I did my homework, but still…)

    Unlicensed sales at gun show? Only people believe that are people who haven’t been to a gun show. Go ahead, try to purchase a weapon without an FFL. Good luck. (Don’t do this. You’ll get thrown out, likely reported to the cops. Who are standing right there.)

    Online? Maybe Armslist.com? LOL, you can bet the feds got eyes on that place! You’re not equipping a militia out of there. Buncha random crap the sellers don’t want at near-new prices.

    Maybe they got something I don’t know about. 🤷🏻‍♂️ After all, didn’t the industry take a (rightful, IMHO) beating over advertising practices? Can’t find the case I’m looking for, too much noise on the subject.