Just another Lemmy user, and also an idiot who accidentally wiped his Lemmy instance not once but twice. Oh well, third time’s the charm.

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • I’m not really the correct person to answer this, since I’m not struggling to the same degree as you are.

    However I once heard a good tip on how to save money. Most people, when they receive their salary spent it first on the necessities (food, rent, etc) and then save the remainder (if anything is left). But instead you should first save a percentage of your pay before spending on any necessities. That way, your brain will try to make the best use the remaining money to survive the best it can

  • I don’t really mind nor care when someone is wrong about something as long as they’re not bothering/affecting other people.

    For example:

    Someone believes that flat earth is real. Fine, whatever, you’re not really going to cause any harm with this.

    On the other hand, during the pandemic, when people refused to wear masks/take vaccines. Then it becomes a problem because they’re affecting other people (potentially putting them at risk)

  • simple@lemmy.mywire.xyztoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlQuestion
    11 months ago

    Anything on the web that is accessible by you is accessible by web scrapers. So to answer your question, yes.

    Unless Lemmy goes down the route of Twitter (I refuse to call it by its new name, it’s dumb) of blocking access unless you login. That’s just how things are.

  • Agreed.

    I once worked on a team in a company who had to ssh into a server and do all the development work on that server. So all we could use was either vim or emacs. I had my vim decked out with all the plugins and customizations, and it was fine.

    But after you get back to using an IDE (especially an IDE with a vim plugin), it’s hard to go back

  • That feature doesn’t yet exist in Lemmy, though there are discussions about that on GirHub, so it’ll probably be implemented eventually.

    There is technically a way to transfer all your data from one instance to another if you have access to the database. For example, you take a database dump of your user and all your info (as mydata.sql) and ask the admins of the other instance to run that against their database, you’ll be able to preserve all your user data that way. However, you’re unlikely to get an admin to agree to that (since there’s obviously a risk the SQL commands are malicious or you tampered with it in some way).

  • It’s always easier to blame something external for all the problems (both in politics and for the individual).

    “Look at all the bad stuff that X is doing to us! If we remove X, everything will be so much better!”

    Same story with EU, you can look at Brexit case, seems like the majority didn’t really understand all the benefits that EU brought, and instead focused on the negatives (which people tend to do). It’s a shame really, all it takes is to look across the Atlantic to see what EU brought us:

    • Consumer rights (Right to repair, USB-C standard on phones)
    • Privacy and digital rights (GDPR)
    • Employment rights (Right to disconnect, employee benefits, etc)
    • Cross border trade within EU
    • Food safety standards (much stricter than US)
    • Environmental regulations

    The list keeps going

  • By having more instances and better user distribution. Running a small-ish instance isn’t very expensive, around 5-10 euro a month (some VPS providers are cheaper, etc). As Lemmy development continues, and more optimizations come in, these smaller lemmy instances will be able to support more users.

    There is also a discussion on GitHub to introduce user and community migrations between instances. So once that feature is implemented, it will be easier to redistribute everything across all Lemmy instances.

  • You don’t need any special hardware. I have my instance running on 1 CPU and 2GB of RAM just fine (granted, its just me there so there isn’t really any massive load).

    So yes, you can use your PC if you want. The only thing I’d say is that if you plan to have your instance federated (i.e. make posts from it, message people etc), you’d want to have it running all the time. Otherwise, if your PC is down and Lemmy isn’t running, your images and posts might not show up properly for people on other instances.

    Which is why most people prefer to rent a server or VPS (virtual private server, which is usually cheaper). Since you can have the server running 24/7.

    Other than that, you need a domain name. Again there are websites that can give you free domain names. But in my case I prefer to just buy a domain.

    If you check out https://join-lemmy.org/, there’s “Run a Server” option which goes over the steps.

  • This probably won’t work for everyone, but whenever I’m learning or trying out something new and unfamiliar, I always tend to follow the philosophy of “Just jump straight into the deep end and you have no choice but to swim”.

    So for those thinking of trying out Lemmy/Fediverse. I suggest trying to get your own instance running. It’ll get you more familiar with what Lemmy is and how it works (at least on a high level). Its also really rewarding when you get it all up and running, it becomes something more personal to you since you took the time and effort (instead of just clicking sign up on some instance).

    But again, that just how I prefer doing things. To each their own.