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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • I assume that the submarine producer gives stats like empty weight from which the current weight can be calculated.

    However, weight isn’t the important thing in a sub. It’s the weight to volume ratio, or buoyancy.

    A sub sinks when buoyancy is negative and rises if the buoyancy is positive.

    There are three common ways to achieve the changing buoyancy: the most simple one is a vessel with positive buoyancy adding droppable weights until the buoyancy is negative.

    Other ways are a neutral buoyancy vessel that uses it’s engine power to push itself up or down. Or a vessel that can change it’s buoyancy by filling up tanks with water (to reduce buoyancy below neutral) and blow them out with air or other gases lighter than water (to raise buoyancy above neutral). A combination of several methods is also possible.

  • I’m not denying the science, it is mathematically possible and I actually love the science behind it and reading about it.

    I just say we are not yet near fusion power, I think. ITER will start experiments probably this decade. After that they plan to build DEMO, a follow up project which will deliver a little power.

    Keep in mind that these reactors are very difficult to built, still. It takes decades to build even without delays.

    Fusion is a beautiful source of energy, but it’ll still take time. I don’t think for example that fusion will play a major role in the transition away from fossil fuels as that needs to happen much faster.

  • Mathematically net positive. As calculating the fusion’s released energy versus what was needed to get it there. As far as I know there is no technology yet on how to utilize and extract that energy. So zero kWh produced for now.

    Then you still have loss in the generators or turbines. And then it needs to be able to run 24/7 instead of split seconds, which brings the problem of how to add fuel constantly and how to remove the fusion’s results.

    It might be possible but I doubt we are somewhat near.