Sorry, book broke

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Hello [XMunk], we’d like to thank you for your time here at this company and we understand this may come as a surprise but due to the current corporate ‘right sizing’ the company is undertaking we are sad to inform you of the cessation of your responsibilities. We wish you the best in your future endeavours and hope in the future you may rejoin our family. Due to internal performance reviews we understand that you are not eligable for severance benefits, but if you sign the attached forms we will be happy to help you out in receiving your Vacation pay.

    Our best, BookBrokeCorp

  • I’m glad you like the name, and yeah it looks like tuesday will be the start of all this. It’s a good day 5hough. I’m glad I gave a default responce.

    To respond to 6our points in order

    • that’d be great. Would you prefer I edit this to make more sense, or to make a new post?
    • someone else has already cross-posted into rust and learning proggramming, and I’ve personally cross-posted to programming. Looks promising, as ai have seven followers on the account now, we should actually get a few people in there. I’d agree though we should likely re-cross post once we have the first post meeting discussion thread and VOD up.
    • I agree, I’d love to have a post each week after the stream to discuss what we’ve learned and talk about the further reading/work. The format could follow what you suggest. Firstly, with the region shown in the stream, secondly with the further reading/work we agree on. (Let’s say, advent of code problems. That way we have some experiance coding it separately and can go over the solutions on stream.
    • Lastly, that’s a great point. A pinned post discussing what this is, how it’ll work, and with links to the twitch and youtube playlist would help alot

  • I think I’d be up to starting a twitch channel. This way anyone who’s looking to learn together can jump into chat and we can talk without the pressure involved in a voice chat. Of course, I’d need to find a decent time for everyone. If you’re chill with it I (or you if prefered) can make a post later today to gauge interest.

    I like the idea as it could spur interaction and a post-stream discussion might result in more activity especially with a larger group all starting at once.

    If others like the concept and are willing we could even swap out hosts every so often. I’ll start, but others would be encouraged to join in or take over for a day. Especially if they’re in another timezone