• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023

  • Pretty interesting study!! They found that introverts that used texting to express themselves demonstrated higher levels of self-confidence than those that used texting to escape. However, for extroverts it was the opposite, those that used texting to escape demonstrated higher levels of self-confidence.

    As an AuDHD person, aka someone that has made a skipping rope out of the extrovert/introvert line, I have observed that on good days my extroverted side is on outreach mode while my introverted side is on deep connection mode.

  • I am definitely guilt for that, but I find this approach really productive. We use small bug fixes as an opportunity to improve the code quality. Bigger PRs often introduce new features and take a lot of time, you know the other person is tired and needs to move on, so we focus on the bigger picture, requesting changes only if there is a bug or an important structural issue.

  • While I agree with most of what you say, I have a personal anecdote that highlights the importance of performance as a feature.

    I have a friend that studies economics and uses python for his day to day. Since computer science is not his domain, he finds it difficult to optimize his code, and learning a new language (C in this case) is not really an option.

    Some of his experiments take days to run, and this is becoming a major bottleneck in his workflow. Being able to write faster code without relying on C is going to have a significant impact on his research.

    Of course, there are other ways to achieve similar results, for example another friend is working on DIAS a framework that optimizes pandas in the runtime. But, the point still stands, there are a tonne of researchers relying on python to get quick and dirty results, and performance plays a significant in that when the load of data is huge.

  • Me neither buddy, me neither…

    Falsehoods About Time: … Time always moves forwards.

    I had to learn this the hard way… I was working at a platform that pulled measurements from sensors. The sensors did not declare the timezone for the timestamps of the measurement and the platform broke down twice after daylight saving. The first time there were duplicated records which caused conflicts and the second one we weren’t handling impossible timestamps.

  • I have been thinking about this for quite some time, feel free to add me on matrix (link in bio) if you are interested to collaborate/discuss.

    It’s interesting to consider a few potential use-cases, as you can see below the technical requirements for each use-case can be vastly different.

    Notice, I am assuming that accounts are connected, aka if someone creates a post, that post can reach users of other instances. See the “Connecting Instances” section below.

    Use Case: Organizing an Event

    Let’s say Alice wants to organize a trivia night at the coffee shop she works at. After all the preparations, Alice needs to invite people, so she makes a post with the location, the date, and the announcement of the event.

    People following Alice’s (or the coffee shop’s) account, will be notified of the event and choose to either attend or not. Some may even “boost” the event, so it’s reaches more people.

    Discovery is not optimal. It’s possible, people that live nearby the coffee shop, and would have otherwise attended the event, weren’t following the account, as a result weren’t notified and missed the event.

    Instead, if a location based feed was available, it would have allowed people to find Alice’s post and attend the event. The UX for such a feed can be complex, but the backend requirements are pretty straightforward, we need to filter (and/or sort) using the location, date and tags of an event.

    All in all, the volume of data is small (not a lot of events happen at the same time and the same area), and the application is not time-critical (if a post takes several of minutes to reach other users it’s not an issue as the event is posted days in advance).

    Use Case: Short-Term/Live Monitoring

    Let’s say a group wants to organize a protest march, they know that the police tends to get violent on such occasions, so they need to monitor the police’s activity and alert the people accordingly.

    So, they create a system where some people are responsible for monitoring the area and regularly upload posts with the exact location of the police. This allows the group to create a map that shows the locations of police blocks and adjust their route accordingly.

    While the example is terrible, I believe the use-case is clear. A lot of people, need to monitor “something” that is happening “right now”.

    Again, probably most of the complexity lies on the UX design, but a few backend requirements are added:

    1. There is a large volume of data, and everything is time-critical.
    2. There is a need for control on who is able to posts, otherwise ill-willed users will be able to create noise and render the system useless.
    3. There is a need for control on who is able to access the information.

    Keep in mind that (2) and (3) do not mean that a decentralized platform would be better suited.

    Use Case: Long Term Monitoring

    Let’s say, during the spring, a population of ducks passes through the city. Tourists and locals alike want to watch the ducks, so they start recording sightings.

    This information not only allows users that are nearby to rush to watch the ducks when there is a sighting, but also can be used to create a heatmap of the most probable locations to find ducks for a given time of day.

    Technical requirements:

    1. Small volume of data, but information can be time-critical.
    2. Need to generate notifications for users interested to respond to the sighting.
    trigger warning

    I had SA incidents in mind when writing the above example, but I choose a more light-hearted example to avoid needlessly triggering people.

    The use-case is pretty much the same. The locations are places to avoid for safety reasons, and people rushing to the scene are either searching for the perp or helping/protecting the victim.

    Use Case: Information Sharing

    Let’s say Bob learns an interesting trivia about the statue on the town square. He creates a post about the trivia and stamps it with the location of the statue.

    Here, time is irrelevant to the post, people are going to be interested in Bob’s trivia years down the line. However, people need to be able to discover Bob’s trivia, and a map is probably the best tool for the job.

    Technical requirements:

    1. Volume of data depends on population of an area, city centers are going to have more posts that small towns.
    2. Nothing is time-critical.

    Connecting Instances

    Utilising this, we could create a list of Habitat instances that are relevant to a user’s current location, and then query only those instances.

    I don’t think this would work, habbitat.world would still have users around the globe, as a result it would be queried every time someone refreshes their feed. You may make a case that there shouldn’t be such an instance, but keep in mind (a) pretty much every Fediverse platform has a few huge instances, and (b) that would exclude users located in places without a local instance (or local instances with unethical admins/mods).

    I believe the existing follow-based federation mechanisms would provide a better solution. Keep in mind that fedizens don’t want to see “everything” within their feeds, but a curated list of posts/events based on their choices and/or the choices of people with similar background (same instance).

  • Again, more complicated.

    It doesn’t have to be.

    Are the algorithms mathematically sound, or just AI/machine learning magic fairy dust?

    MAB algorithms lie in middle. They are a mathematically sound way to explore the unknown and make reasonable decisions given whatever context is available.

    There have been a few hospital trials with success, but progress is slow and funding is low. There are a few really interesting papers if you are interested to read more.

    Do the algorithms have implicit biases against poor people, or those with darker skin or who live in certain postcodes?

    In a sense, it’s not different than laws that discriminate against people of color or other marginalized communities. The fact that a bunch of super privileged lawmakers create laws that disproportionately harm us, does not mean that the concept of law is flawed.

    You got to ask yourself why the algorithm was given that information in the first place, and more importantly who gave it?

    What we call algorithm, is actually two things. A set of instructions (the actual algorithm) and a set of parameters. The instructions explain how to use those parameters in order to make a decision. The parameters may or may not be biased, it all depends on the process that is used to generate those parameters.

    AI in particular uses a process called training, in which people make decisions, and another algorithm is used to adjust the parameters so those decisions can be genralized and repeated by the AI. When, biased people make biased decisions, they are going to train an AI to make biased decisions.

    Unfortunately, that’s our reality, biased people make biased decisions, as a result we have biased laws and biased algorithms.

    By the way, this is what the author calls algorithm cleanse, and it’s bureaucracy supercharged. Why hire someone to reject applicants of color when you can build an algorithm to do that? Making a legal case against that is much harder, and the legal system isn’t ready to understand the nuisances of the case.

    However, in contrast to the laws, we marginalized people can create our own “algorithms”, thay are not biased to our best effort. The fediverse is living proof of this. Why fight the system when we can make our own?

  • IMO it’s never about the tool, but who controls it. For example, nuclear energy is a neutral thing on its own, when used to generate power it’s (arguably) a net positive, when used for bombing it’s a net negative.

    The same goes for algorithms, when they are used to save lives at hospitals it’s a net positive, when used to harvest people’s attention it becomes a net negative.

    (For anyone interested, I have MAB algorithms in mind, they can be used to prioritize patients at hospitals, or make recommendations in social media. You can guess which application of the algorithm is more commonly used, well researched, and well funded.)

  • WOW! https://github.com/modularml/mojo

    Been looking for something like this, thanks a lot!!!

    Edit: Had a quick look at the docs. Mojo’s initial build was published Sep2022, it’s fairly young, but seems to be getting a lot of attention (on GitHub they have the same number of stars as mypy 🤯).

    For anyone interested, their roadmap is an interested read. They seem to be taking a step-by-step approach, trying first to nail down core features first before moving to stuff like python inter-op and syntactic sugar.

    Mojo still doesn’t support classes, the primary thing Python programmers use pervasively! This isn’t because we hate dynamism - quite the opposite. It is because we need to get the core language semantics nailed down before adding them. We expect to provide full support for all the dynamic features in Python classes, and want the right framework to hang that off of.

    The “why mojo” section give a lot of background too. They are implementing an ML-IR compiler, which is really promising for optimization (think all the goodies we could use from LLVM).